Prevalence of Alchohol Consumption in .KE

For those that keep talking about alchoholism in Kiambu county… na wengi ni wa Nairobi county. This is what NACADA says:

Although I cannot trust these figures entirely, seeing as many people in some places - Western for example - imbibe on traditional brews that are not represented in these statistics.

Substance abuse in general:


Bangi iwe huru!

Kina Mutiso naona wako well represented. Ata ivo labda ju ya kiangazi inabidi wakate maji

Eastern is not just Ukambani, kuna Meru, Isiolo, Embu, Marsabit etc.

Your chart topic says Prevalence of alcohol consumption. Not alcoholism( as a disorder). You can drink but are not necessarily a drunkard.

Tembo lazima tubugie mpaka ile siku ya mtu itaisha.
Then we become church elders.

We cannot really sit and wish this thing away. Alcohol has taken away so many lives in my Kiambu region. Most of them are my relatives, male and female.:mad:Some are blind from consuming kumikumi kinda drinks.

Cannabis use disorder ni gani tena other than eating everything in the fridge which I don’t consider a disorder?
Kshs 1,000 a week is not much money for drinkers to spend at the bar. But when you add it up, that’s about Kshs 52,000 a year.
It’s better to drink it than to gamble it but still it is a lot of money.

@IsMundu , when was this released…mwaka gani?

Nation newspaper ya leo.

Central and RV would be after Nairobi if it were not for the extra effort of UhuRuto to fight the alcoholism scourge in their backyard. Lost a long time buddy to Koroga this morning, coz county zimeban bars.

Iza joh! What is koroga?

Powdered changaa. Easy to move it around and evade authorities. Ukikuta umati na kiu, unamwaga kwa ndoo na kuongeza maji na kukoroga. Alcohol percentage inategemea mkorogaji

Haven’t heard of this

at least hao wanazakunywa mimi sina

inapatikana wapi?nataka kuhassle juu chini ili nivuke border

Hehe, endelea na butchery. Hii ukipata itakua kwa national news for the wrong reasons

Necessity is the mother of invention. Governor amefunga mifereji zote za pesa kwa Mama pima imebidi watafute mbinu

Unfortunately this hypocritical christian nation does not like facing the root cause of drug addiction. Since it might be revealed to be depression cause by social-economic hardships.

Even those that have not died from obvious liver problems, alcohol has still been the background ishu.:mad:
It makes me stop and think after downing a glass of wine.