Presidential Debate 2017

Debates Media Limited moves presidential debate scheduled for July 10 to July 24 to allow more time to engage on debates format.

It was to be a cash cow for the media houses.

Hehehe, in an hr we get 30 minutes of debate and 30 minutes of ads

True, that’s what Jubilee Party Secretary General Tuju alluded to. Some shadowly figures in crooked media came together, formed this group, branded it, picked a venue, dates, participants, presenters, format, times and started advertising it before even candidates acknowledge receiving the invite. They then presented the brand to advertisers to make a killing. They then sent invitation letters to candidates and thought that is “consultation”. Sasa imagine a letter getting to State House from an unknown group saying the President Uhuru should be here on this day and this time to be interviewed by this person full stop. Leave alone the crude arrogance but its also a security risk. Anything touching the Presidency needs to be discussed and approved by security chiefs before they hear it on the media. By that time adequate measures have been put in place.

So they are coercing candidates to attend?

Even worse, a few shadowly individuals took a upon themselves to own the debate and tell everyone how it will go down. If its nation media, standard or citizen then at least we know who we are dealing with, where they are, what facilities they have and how to work around it in the planning. Here let’s start from the beginning, what is “Presidential Debate”, are they a group, station, organization etc. They did everything and expect everyone to just say yes. Their is a reason why they are called crooked media. Can the media owners please take back control of their backroom and bring some order.

Mpaka Larry madowo akasalenda the trend ndio apewe kiti kwa debate follow ups and and such.

Someday I will write my own expose about our very corrupt media. For now I drink, sleep and make merry with most of them and all they care about is the next deal not the “principles” they lecture about 24/7.

Hekaya ikuje haraka

Hakuna principles. Deals do the talking. BTW Larry has been interviewing ‘viongozi’s’ then makes fun of them on the trend ka Millie odhiambo na hairline yake. so the big bosses waliona hapo anajichomea na campaign inafika climax n decided to pull him out b4 aendelee kumisbehave. By now hajapewa any major talk show ata news ya saa tatu. My two cents

Larry alitoka hio trend coz every station was copying and creating their own version. His moderation sio mbaya pale Side Bar in fact they are increasing the airtime on that show 8pm and 10pm