President Moi, unlike Jayden Gikunda Mwaura, was skillful and deliberate in foreign policy and regional politics. This is from July 2000


Mo1 alikuwa anapenda maendereo na barabara zilimshinda, potholes zilikuwa kala sehemu. Ati rami very expensive

Contractor angechukua years kujenga parapara

Kazi yake ilikuwa kujisifi na kujigamba akijiita professer of politics.

Meffi sana

moi alikuwa meffi sana… he spent all his energy fighting GEMA, Luos and any other progressive leadership

Moi supported Habyarimana and the genocide, when Kagame leading RDF skewered the Huyu dictatorship he reached out to safeguard his interests especially the money he was holding for akina Kabuga through proxies like Zakayo Cheruiyot

Moi only made diplomatic moves when it was in his greater personal interest. Not that his political heir and godson is particularly different.

Ruto= Moi 2.0