President Kenyatta to Grant Nakuru a City Charter on Wednesday

Rift Valley 1? Why isn’t Eldoret a city
Nyanza 1
Nairobi 1
Coast 1
central 0
Western 0
Eastern 0
North Eastern 0

President Kenyatta is on Wednesday expected to formally elevate Nakuru municipality to city status.

The president will grant Nakuru a city charter during his tour of the county, making it the fourth city in the country after Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu.


“We are delighted to inform the people of Nakuru and our well-wishers that Nakuru Municipality will officially get a city charter on December 1, 2021,” Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui said in a statement.

The move comes months after the Senate adopted a report by the Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, which recommended the upgrading of Nakuru to a city. In its report, the committee said the cosmopolitan municipality had put in place the necessary infrastructure to attain city status.

Governor Kinyanjui launched a bid to have Nakuru become a city following his election as the county’s second governor in 2017 and his administration has been undertaking various projects to ensure the municipality meets the required standards for city status.

“The long and often intriguing journey is finally coming to an end. We thank the President for his continued support for the upgrade of Nakuru,” said Kinyanjui.

During his tour of the county, President Kenyatta will officially open various projects including a Sh174 million fire station equipped with two modern fire engines worth Sh113 million, the rehabilitated Nyayo Gardens, a Sh600 million market, and an affordable housing project in Bondeni estate.

Kisumu also serves western, Nairobi also serves central and Eastern, Mombasa serves Eastern and parts of North Eastern…Eastern, central and western don’t have towns with enough infrastructure, population and revenue to be elevated into city status.

Eastern iko na potential ya Embu, Machakos or Kitui with enough time, Central iko na Nyeri na Western iko na Kakamega.
Not as diverse as Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru but it can grow to those level.

Nakuru is the 4th largest town in kenya. Eldoret no 5. So nakuru becomes city first.

:D:Done street city?? kinyanjui is a madman

Hii swali niliulizwa hadi na bazungu wanaleta mizigo hio area. Such a pity

Eldoret is a small town compared to nakuru.

But robust

I sometimes get confused on how ranking is done…I also don’t understand how Ruiru is bigger than Kisumu according to the latest data. But Eldoret also qualifies as a city to make it 5.
Ruiru Town Has More People Than Kisumu City - KNBS

Nakuru has always been a big town. It was the headquarters of the then RV province that stretched from namanga to lokichogio. Eldoret was just a district hq. Even during the colonial times nakuru was the centre/capital for the settler farming community. Before 2007 eldoret was growing fast but after the election chaos whereby the marauding kaleos caused havoc burning, looting, raping and killing, most non-kaleo investors moved elsewhere and nakuru was one of the main destinations.

Did the same happen to Kisumu city. Less population but more developed.

Any airport?


Work Underway on Sh3bn Nakuru Airport Project | CK

Economically I personally believe that Eld is ahead of Nax but if you look at the population and social dynamics of Nax plus the infrastructure Nax deserves this. For how long has Eld been having a international airport and what have they done with it? If there was a Airport in Nax ata airstrip I Kila weekend ingekuwa na jam.

Nakuru is an ideal city, with all necessary amenities, multicultural, affordable housing and food…hii mambo ya ethnic clashes which seem to be very intense at nakuru scared me from settling there.