Please advise on the best Prepaid Mastercard. I’m buying on Aliexpress and I don’t want to use my bank card though it has mastercard.

chasebank travel card

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Nakumatt Global


Enda KCB okota Pepea Card

And just the other day i tried (though its not a Master card) Airtel money card, and it works ok.

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Why not use VISA e.g Nationhela, it is very cheap compared to a master card and equally reliable.


Nenda chukua Nakumatt Global Card from a KCB branch near you.


or a nakumatt near you, added advantage is it also becomes your card for points


…or dtb


which means that you only have to shop at Nakumatt. Sitaki kufungwa…

It means since Nakumatt is nearest me I will shop for kawaida things there, then when I want big tings I get the cheapest option. You will be suprised that most shopping expenses are on small things like bread, blueband, milk e.t.c and not the big ticket items like TVs

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Nakumatt is the furthest in my case…

It is only if those points are important to you that you have to shop at Nakumatt. It is a global debit card, and a credible one, powered by Diamond Trust Bank. So that means you can shop at Naivas and pay with it. And you also get points whenever you use it! And you you can load it using MPESA!


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I wasn’t getting the card for the shopping points. Where I am the nearest Nakumatt is over 100km away anyway. I wanted a convenient prepaid debit card and that’s what I got. You load it via MPESA, and get instant notifications via SMS and email whenever you use it, plus statements.


Tell me more about that. Is it tied to a simcard and if not can you move money too and fro?

Yeah, its tied. You use the airtel money simcard to load funds. And using the airtel money pin to withdraw through an ATM; never tried though. I’m not sure if there’s any other means one can deposit to the account. But its currently serving my purpose i.e online shopping…

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Simplest explanation is visa on your airtel account. You can do all transaction a visa card would do and the loading is your airtel money account. It’s very convenient to me.
I have done online purchases with it and I have no qualms.

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How do check the statement like activating online stuff? Lastly, can you load your airtel money account(sim card) with the card?

I think airtel online have a self care I am not sure. But if you really need a statement you can request airtel to be sending you via email monthly.

Airtel money is the visa card. When you load your airtel money you have loaded the visa card.

It’s more like debit card than a pretty paid card.

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