PREP! Is anyone else on PrEP?

Does anyone here use prep ama niko solo?.

where do you buy it???

You don’t buy it. It’s free in Public hospitals.

Why exactly are you taking it? Whores ama?

The last time I came near anything like prep was back in school many years ago.

I used pep sometimes ago
Nunua hapo transchem @100 Bob zao ziko sawa
Wachana na vitu za gava

What is the procedure of buying, ? ama ni just over the counter? are they selling prep or pep?

prep and pep ni the same… yangu CD iliburst nikapewa pep
Drug ni truvada

Hizo pep ilinisaida Sana… Tested negative after using it daily for one month

I don’t think they are exactly the same as they are use in different situations. PrEP is Truvada alone while PEP is a comination of 3 drugs - Truvada (2 drugs - emtricitabine and tenofovir ) and Raltegravir

Mimi I was advised to only use truvada as it is a combination of cocktails
Siwezi tamani hiyo Dawa tena… Very bad experience
Enda kwa counter uulizie tu truvada

I use daily dose for PrEP. One year now. Before I started on PrEP I was on PEP only once.

Has anyone ever tested those drugs successfully?


one year:eek:

WTF one year? kwani una date positive lady?
Tumia CD and use it properly
Don’t depend on the drug kuna strain resistant ya HIV to it

Nilitomba Malaya CD it’s burst… Hakunificha akanishow hako poa
Immediately nikaendea kutumia for 30 days came out negative

da fuck!!! she actually told you she is positive???

Not directly
But ‘enda hosifitali’ is enough

wah that was some scary shit bro…