
So there’s this friend of mine who dry fried this chick last month. The chick was on her safe days but the chick texted him early this week claiming to be pregnant. According to my friend the chick is one of the dramatic ones and he highly doubts she’s pregnant, she’s just trying to extort my friend. What do you elders think is the best advice for me to give this brother.

07226555558 hii ni number ya obado… Ask him… He knows better…

A story is told about this guy taking a walk at the National park on a sunny afternoon. The guy has an umbrella and a hat to boot. So out of nowhere a lion attacks coming straight at him. So he takes his umbrella, aims and takes a shot and VOILA the lion drops down dead. Tafakari hayo my fren.


peleka msichana hospitali afanyiwe pregnancy test ukiwa hapo.Ukiconfirm results come back for mawaidha

Trying to help a friend here


dry as a bone Golgotha

You are either the friend or the girl…what are you?

Am just a friend asked for advice

Test kwanza ndo muhimu. Meanwhile tell him not to allow himself to be milked of his hard earned money.

advice ur friend----test kwanza akiwa hapo na yeye, kama hawako ready wa discuss on the way forward. Never kula her dry again. avoid ukimwi. this women are no longer innocent when it comes to pregnancy.

Amwambie azae kwanza, then other things can follow. Hata akizaa don’t kubali anything before DNA. Take advantage of time aende kwa machali wengine wa kundanganywa haraka. Time works against women.

Pregnancy is treatable…there are other things which are not

Mimba ni ya muda… Kitambi ndio ngori.
cc @M2Random


if they were in an open relationship mwambie waende NIPP test;Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity testing,kama ilikuwa an exclusive relationship itabidi angojee miezi tisa,saa zingine safedays huwa irregular…maybe after mtoi amezaliwa anaeza peleka oral swabs pale KMA plaza watamuangalilia.

Leta hekaya asap. We don’t judge.

hehee,niliskia kwa neighbour ivo ndio kunaendaga

According to him it was a one night stand this tinder girls

wah wah wah wah…NIPP at 8weeks haraka sana