Pregnancy niya?

She knocked the door, i kept quiet.
She pushed it and came in, i kept quiet.
She sat next to me on my bed, i kept quiet.
She smiled at me, still i kept quiet.
She romanced me, i remained quiet.
She undressed herself, i kept quiet.
She kissed me deeply, i kept quiet.
She removed my trouser and boxer, i still kept
She climbed me, i remained quiet.
She started riding me slowly and softly, i kept
She continued with the practice, i kept quiet. After
all she dressed up and went away, i kept quiet.
Now she’s here telling me that she’s pregnant.
What Should I Do??

lea mtoto but fanya dna test

Keep quiet

Keep quiet… ati alikua na boxer

Stima kapotea,
Fimbo ikasimama,
Bakuli Ika…


[SIZE=7]j[/SIZE][SIZE=7]ust keep fwacking quiet!![/SIZE]

Continue keeping quiet.

Reminds me of the poems from highschool

Wewe ni dildo…

hongera@MOSA de mtoi anaitwa kee quiet

Ripa bira fujo my fren

:D:D:D:D:DMosa wacha uyinga.

Chances are you are the Daddy …
So … Step up and keep Quiet …!!

Name the kid Quiet

Learn Sign Language just to be ready for next time.