Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints

That’s written in Psalms 116:15.

‘Precious’ is probably the last word people think of concerning death, but it shouldn’t be. Death, or sleep, for the saint can actually be a gift because to be absent from this body is to present with the Lord. Too often we contemplate death, like most other things, from our earthly point of view; however from the viewpoint of Heaven, the death of a saint is neither hideous nor horrible, tragic or terrible—but “precious.”

Going home, I am going home,
There is nothing to hold me here,
I’ve caught a glimpse of my heavenly home,
Praise God, I am going home

May those precious children who were massacred in Texas RIP.

Who wrote Psalms and why? Do you know?

I often think death is the most precious thing to happen to a believer; to save them from this fallen and wicked place. Now that I’m born again, I no longer fear death as compared to how I did in the past when I was lost. I am rather concerned about two things on death:

  1. The process of death in itself, I just wish it was painless:D
  2. The people who die without receiving Christ. That’s the worst thing to happen to someone in the whole of existence.

I know for a fact that David wrote 75 Psalms, (Psalms 1-Psalms 75), and he prophesied in some of them, for example;

Psalm 2:12- Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (How did he know about the existence of God the Son?)

Moses is said to be the other author of Psalms among a few others

For a fact? Were you with him?

Charles Spurgeon (the “Prince of Preachers” during the mid to late 1800s) had a great perspective:

Depend upon it, your dying hour will be the best hour you have ever known! Your last moment will be your richest moment, better than the day of your birth will be the day of your death. It shall be the beginning of heaven, the rising of the sun that shall go no more down forever.”

[I]In death there’s VICTORY!


come on man:D:D what type of question is that