Here are some prostitution prices all over the world.
• Afghanistan :$30 to $60
• Albania : $50 for one hour with escort
• Argentina : $30 with a street hooker
• Australia :$150 per hour for Asian woman, $300 for Caucasian woman
• Austria : $75 for quick sex at the brothel
• Bangladesh :$0.60 to $3
• Brazil :$5.50 for young girl in ghetto
• Brazil - Brothel (Rio):$60 entry fee at Centaurus
• Brazil - Vila Mimosa, Rio:$20
• Belarus : $70 one hour at the brothel
• Belgium : $35-70 at the Red Light District
• Belize : $20 starting price in brothels
• Brazil : $10 streetwalker in Ghetto
• Bulgaria :$25 for a gypsy street hooker
• Cambodia : at the RDL takeaway, at around US$15-25 for a ‘short time’ or up to US$50 for all night.
• Canada - $50 street prostitute (most are aboriginal), $250-$350 one hour with escort
• China - Beijing :$100 to $400 for Escort agency
• China - Hotel Spa:$130
• China - Shanghai :$650 to $1,600
• Chile $25 sex at the massage parlor
• Colombia :$200 with Virgin Girl
• Costa Rica : $30 Young street hooker
• Croatia : $80 escort in a private apartment
• Cuba : $20-40 for quickie and $50-150 for all night
• Cyprus : $70-80 in the brothels at the northern side of Cyprus.
• Denmark :$150 to $200 per hour for escort/prostitute
• Dubai :$80 to $150 in studio flat
• Egypt :$200-400 for Tourists & under $20 for locals
• Estonia :$30-40 street hooker & $80-100 one hour private apartament prostitute
• Finland - $250-350 for one hour with escort or $70-100 quickie with a street hooker
• France - Cannes:Up to $40,000 a night
• Germany : $40-$65 at the Red Light Districts.
• Greece :$15 to $20 with HIV Positive Girl, $35-$50 in a brothel
• Hong Kong :$40 in a one-room brothel to $232 in hostess bar
• Hungary : $30-40 prostitute from the street
• India :$1,000 for virgin, $1-$4 for adult
• India - Kolkata , Calcutta Prostitute Earnings:$2 per day
• India - Online: up to $500 for two hours
• Indonesia - Earnings for Prostitute:$784 to $1,120 per month
• Iran : $20-50 depending the area. Sex Prices in Iran vary a lot.
• Iraq :$100 per session / $200 per night
• Ireland :$45 to $130 charged by male prostitutes
• Ireland -Limerick:$107 to $133 online, $40 to $66 street price.
• Italy - Gypsy street hooker on the highway roadside $30 for quickie
• Japan :$125 for 60 minutes with a South Korean prostitute
• Japan - $100 for sex with younger girls.
• Jordan : up to$1,000 for Filipino Woman.
• Kenya :$5-25 for sex with young Rwandan or Ugandan girl.
• Kurdistan:$150 in Iraq side, cheaper in other Kurdish areas.
• Kuwait : $500-$700 for couple hours.
• Latvia $50 for in-call hooker.
• Lithuania $30-40 for a street prostitute.
• Madagascar :$15 for one session with young girl
• Maldives :$10 for young girl
• Mali :$2-$4 for a young hooker.
• Malaysia :$100 for sex with young girl
• Mexico : $30 for a room and a prostitute for a tourist
• Moldova : $30 from the street
• Monaco $6000-12000 for all night luxury escort.
• Morocco : In Rabat prices start from $25
• Nepal : about $20-25 for street hooker.
• Netherlands - Amsterdam : $45-$70 for 15 minutes
• Nepal : as little as few dollars for sex with a Nepalese hooker
• Nigerian women in Italy :$13 per transaction
• Nigerian women in Ivory Coast :$2 per act
• Norway : $10-$50 (African street girls) $250 (online incall, mostly Eastern Europeans), $400 (Native Norwegian girls)
• Oman : $25-35 for a short time and $150 for a long time with Chinese prostitutes.
• Pakistan : $6 starting price for locals, tourist pay more
• Panama : $200 to $300 for a strip club take out girl.
• Peru : $50 for hour in a brothel
• Philippines - Street hookers in the suburbs $6-15, freelancer girls at the night clubs $40.
• Poland $40 for a fuck in a brothel
• Portugal : $35 quickie with a black hooker
• Qatar : $55-80 for a girl from the bar
• Republic of Macedonia : $20 quickie with a street prostitute.
• Romania : $25-30 street prostitute
• Russia $60-100 for one hour in a brothel
• Scotland :As low as $48
• Singapore :$25,000 for 3-day tour
• Singapore - Young girl:$47 to $55
• Singapore - Online:$111 to $119 for 90 minutes
• South Korea - Southern Seoul :$117
• South Korea - young Girl:$275
• Spain : $35 with a black street whore in
• Suriname :One gram of gold
• Switzerland :Union minimum of $100
• Syrian Women:$7 at refugee camp
• Taiwan :$344 for South Korean Prostitute
• Thailand $30-$60 with a bargirl
• Turkey :$500 for VIP service & $20 at Red-light district
• Tunisia $15-$25 in the red light district
• Ukraine :$124 to $248 for foreign language speaking prostitute
• United Kingdom - Street Prostitute:$30
• United States :$40 to $100 for street prostitute
• United States - High-End Escort in
Indianapolis :$500 per hour
• United States - High-End Escort in NYC:$10,000 a night
• United States - Legal Brothel in Nevada :$200 to $600
• United States - Massage Parlor:$150 to $300 for oral sex and intercourse
• United States - Massage Parlor Worker Earnings:$8,000 to $10,000
• United States - Minnesota :$40 for oral sex with Young girl
• United States - Houston , Texas : $40-$80 with a street prostitute.
• United States - Prison Guard:$150 charged by female guards.
• United States - San Diego , CA:Under $100 per act.
• United States - San Jose (California) :$350 to $500 per hour with a high end escort.
• United States - Young girls:$40 to $100 for 15 to 30 minutes of sex
• United States - Miami :$250 an hour
• Venezuela : $15 sex at the massage parlor
• Vietnam : 5 dollar for a short time with a street whore.
• Yemen : $50 with Chinese prostitutes in upscale hotels.
• Zimbabwe : sex with a condom $3-5 (One Round aka short time) and $20 whole night. $10 Blow jobs. For unprotected sex $10-15 for locals.
Hakuna Wa Bongo na UG ivi?
Ndege ya kwenda Bangladesh ni how much from Makueni?
cant relate
world bank county representative hajarudisha report.
[SIZE=6]BANG[/SIZE]ladesh you mean?
waru zilikuwa haki baridi? tununue crisps brand gani?
why does it cost so much in china? my line of thought is since they are many , supply is high and prices fall
demand is also very high in a country where the government frowns on the business, no?
yeah harvesting weekend. but zimeungua mvua ilikua mob.
In Oman, the Tanzanian Chagga girl in the high end hotel asked me for equivalent 250 USD. I told her I pay 200 Kenya shillings in Moshi for a Chagga like her. She told me to go-drying.
- Hawa ni Shemales most of the time…
Why such a Huge Gap?
:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: you mean 1.2 fucking million to burst anut this is outrageous
Cheap is expensive
ako kenya na dubai
how now,people walk with gold in their pockets to dish out like njugus ama ni aje
Different locations, same product. Except in Rio where you can get 5 for the price of 2.
Nice research.Lakini wewe ata passport ya kwenda south Sudan uko nayo kweli?
I guess Afghanistan,Syria na IRAQ ni unachapa kunguru shot, Taliban na ISIS wakikupigia 21 Gun salute nje ya room?