Power issues: Bidco wamechoka na upussy wa KPLC

Installing 1000kW solar system.

Off grid is the way to go. Soon am also installing solar system

Sikuizi practically all factories have installed them…

Guru wa Devki anaiba stima bila kulipa, serikali yote iko kwa mfuko yake

Pia mimi nikimaliza project nawekea mzazi 2k watt. KPLC will die a slow natural death like posta.

Utanichanua in terms of performance. Hata mimi naona niki enda hio njia ya solar power.

Mimi nimemaliza biogas digester ya 100 M3 pale ushago for my farm house , kplc nitawaonea viu Sasa from next month

Hebu nichanue tafasali kuhusu biogas digester…

Don’t follow these people blindly. They install the grid tied solar system which has no storage batteries. Kwa hustlers the biggest cost ya solar ni batteries.

:D:D:D:D:D… hii ni ya wakulima kama Mimi na @ChifuMbitika ,you need at least 4 cows to produce enough methane to power your methane generator to produce electricity,it ain’t cheap but it’s worth it


100,000 litres of shit is a lot of shit

Hizo requirements basi zimenitoa nje.

Utatumia Bio Gas to run a power generator ama how will you convert it to power

There was a very informative write up regarding solar installation pale Senate a few weeks ago by @aviator aka @kawambui. Hope Dictator @Meria Mata can allow us import this gem.
Send your messenger @The.Black.Templar priss.

Huko ni kama niliwekelea bounty for my head. Most wanted shoot on sight.

Hata Mimi wakiona handle yangu huko huwa wanaituma Siberia mbio mbio

Weka ata thermal images na contacts the installer… I have project in kiserian na client anadai kuweka.

:D:D:D:D:D…it’s mixed with water na activator.

Amiran wako na ingine ya bag you don’t need to own a cow … you can import cowshit from your neighbours.

kina otieno na wephukulu wakidedia huko wanatolewa kwa register na life inasonga