Pornhub Statistics: Kenyan ladies fairing quite well

porn hub team need quality cameras, their vids are literally not worth, poor lighting, low resolution.

Wacha zako. This information is readily available on various analytics platforms. For example @Deorro knows how the number of men and women who visit KTALK daily even on guest mode, their age, their ip addresses also leak information as pertaining to the towns and countries they come from, the browser and operating system you are using, the average time you spend here, and the threads you are most active in

Ponhub is just like Jumia but for porn content. Why produce videos when the community is willing to provide them for free?

Co-asks! It’s goddamn 2018 for crying out loud! It’s no taboo to watch and learn…[SIZE=3]well, and get off too while at it.[/SIZE] But I guess to each their own…my baby & I watch it togeza sometimes. :p:p

oo, i never knew

Hehehehe really?