The Holy Father is coming and its time to make a confession.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned, my last confession must have been in mid 80s just before I sat for my KCE. Also Father I last stepped in church in 2004 when I was best man during my friends wedding. Holy Father I did something in the 90s and it has been bothering me a lot and now that you are here its time to let it out. You see Father, I been a hustler all my life and in those days I would wake up very early to be at my base in marikiti where I used to carry goods for customers, I used to spend everything I earned during the day and only remain with busfare for the following days trip into town, so on this day Father I was at a major bustop on Thika road at 5:45 in the morning when this Nissan Urvan pulled up, on noticing there was no conductor I did the nessesary and touted for passengers (this was way Before Mungiki arrived on the scene, Hekaya for another day) who soon packed into the van, I then took the last seat Father knowing very well I wont have to pay any fare coz of the job I had done, the 20 bob would be for breakfast. As we got to Safaripark Father the driver said Nichinjie hao and dutifully I started collecting fare from my fellow passengers, well Father I think it must have been the day after payday, everyone had high currency notes and I didn’t have change, the only person who had a 50 bob note was a beautiful girl right behind me and my fisi instinct told me not to take her money. Buy the time we got to survey I had 6700 folded in my hand, 3 1000shs notes, 5 500 shs notes 3 200 shs notes and 6 100 shs notes, and everyone was waiting for their change, I asked the driver for change and he said not to worry we shall look for change in town, soon we were in pangani and there was a small jam, at guru nanak hospital we came to a total stand still and that’s when I heard a voice calling me,” Meria”, “Meria” I ignored it then the voice came back louder this time and it couldn’t be ignored and I answered. The voice asked me what is that am holding in my hand and I said its money. The voice then asked why I woke up so early, I quickly retorted that to go to work, the voice came back softly this time and asked why and I gladly said to make some money. By this time the vehicle was in motion albeit slowly coz of the jam and I heard a passenger say shukisha ngara. The voice came back urgently this time and said “Meria you woke up to look for money and you already have it in your hands, wake up bro, you are running out of time” I counted the money slowly again and my heartbeat increased tenfold , its at that precise moment that my mind was made up. I scanned all the passengers faces to see if anyone knew me and was glad they were all stangers to me. The vehicle gladually stopped at Ngara and 3 passengers alighted with hands stretched asking for change, I showed them the notes on my hands and told them to wait as I looked for change, I went to a matt ahead of me the closed to the opposite side of the road and did a malasyia MH370 act and boarded an Eastleigh matatu. The money was deep in my pocket. Fast forward 8:00am I was at my local enjoying my ill gotten wealth. That’s my confession Father, I feel for those people and moreso the poor driver, I sometimes wonder how he resolved the crisis.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).