Wah! Ogopa. Watu wacheze mbali. Apande mbegu huko basi labda canada kutatokea kaobama siku flani
Wanjigi atume private charter… Drop the general in Tz… Then afike…
No fly list, even Emirates wouldn’t allow him to board their planes after the captain ejected him for repeatedly hitting the cabin door. Locally a charge awaits him for fraudulently acquiring that ID without following the right procedure. He didn’t reapply for his legally mandated citizenship and that ID form filled out was just a joke. He will explain that since his co accused is deceased. Lastly hakuna kitu ya kujifanya hapa RAT doesn’t want him back. Even he knows this. Not when odm.is about to go to kasarani to promote Winnie odinga as its leader. RAT doesn’t want competition for her. Already the wheels are turning, they finally filled the SG position since Ababu left. Now the old guard of orengo and co are in for a surprise. Either way miguna is staying in Canada for a while.
Si akuje kama cargo
It sucks to be Miguna Miguna, those of you in the know, how successful is He as a lawyer back in Canada ?
I suspect he is successful. I have only talked personally to that mofo once for about thirty min at jkia tukingojea kalocal flight. My unspoken take home message was; that mofo ni moto wa kuotea mbali.
si atumie ile backroute ya nanii?
Dubai->Djibouti->Ethiopia->Garissa->Tea room->Karatina direct
This move was highly predictable. But he has been adviced to reapply for the Kenyan citizenship in Ottawa and then wage his case in court. I mean where does he think Raila got the message from. Sometimes it’s good to pick your battles wisely. And you can change your tact.
Who would you be kidding? and what happens when he is in Kenya? Deportation again, humiliation, bruised body and extra charges on being in Kenya illegally. Would you think it is worth the risk?
Yes it’ll be worth it for him. You spoke of extra charges. He will be granted bail. I imagine that one of the arguments by his lawyers would be “look, the guy sneaked to be in Kenya. The rationale behind the granting of bail is to ensure that an accused person does not flee from this jurisdiction. Mr Miguna fled INTO Kenya. Surelly, he is not going to go anyweya!!”
Bond set an 200 shillings.
Do you know how long a criminal case can drag on?
He has over Ksh 10M+ in costs awarded to others Kenya Urgently Needs A Dictator - News & Politics - Kenya Talk 2015 ONSC 6835 (CanLII) | Miguna v Walmart Canada | CanLII