Jamaa ajichocha kwelikweli .
He he he, mlevi first priority ni ku prevent spillage.
He looks more stunned by the spillage than the blow.
Lakini pombe si supu… One cuz of mine tulimlewesha… Big mistake!! She suddenly became wonder woman, pushing everyone who was on her way and flexing her thin muscles :D:D:D
Child abuse
Kwenda… She’s 24
Ai woiye…pombe imemwagika mob.
Imagine ! All the blessings gone
No wonder couple fights and killng each other over small issues like too salty meals
I know what you did on Labour day!
Hi kijiji imejaa walevi tupu. Yaani hiyo spillage inauma sana.
Pombe sio mchezo nikiwa mlevi I dryfried a whore and in my confused state I washed my josto with jik. That was one of my worst days ever.
Hekaya ianguke asap