Polygamous Men how do you normally handle such problems

I wish wangu angeweza hata kunilipia rent pekee…u r lucky urs does everything and clearly umeekwa maisha poa coz u have mentioned dm…shukuru Mungu

Savage…hurumia mimi. You know I murder her majesty’s lingua anytime coz I think in Kyuk 1st…hahahaha. But I think sire is the right word?unazalia aje a married man.

Wow! So goatwives won afterol,I thought mpango wa kando akizaa kijana anapendwa,anyway sorry mum,atleast the kid knows though your timing wasn’t well, he’ll come around ,just give him time,.and two,I can imagine how the first wife used to be commented when when u we’re dating the guy,the insults from mpango wa kando acha tu,Mara tight pussy,Mara ntamzalia kijana,now u know vitu kwa ground ni different,just accept your position and raise your kids,atleast he provides,I have a friend of mine alidanganywa hvo,she used to abuse the first wife saa hzo hta watoi wa first wife wakatoroka shule ju ya fee na njaa,as am talking to you right now,the hubby got back to the first wife coz Shel always be the first,ameabandon my friend na watoi watatu,no child support,nothing na kazi pia aliharibia beshteangu,bt can u imagine my friend accepted it,saa hzi shez living her dream life,she accepted everything and stated loving herself,and working hard.u can do it too dear

Huyo mzee angelijua, angelijitoa kabisa. Mara moja. Songombingo kalingwangwa tupu ataishi kupigana kila siku kutwa usiku kucha.

This is as good a woman as one can hope for. He should get a covey of supportive relatives & friends & have them over at her place first, then kwao nyumbani alikotoka madam for introductions. As we speak, his original wife must have smelt this ways back, so she won’t be shell-shocked when he makes a clean breast of matters to her on one fine her & him outing. Kwani ataenda wapi. Dude must be (& remain) financially on top of things come what may (hence the runaway corruption these days) keeping both families well fed, schooled, medicated, housed (preferably stand-alone, self-built) & maintained(Wi-Fi & sheet).

Next, the children must meet OUTSIDE of their mothers’ spheres of influence in an activity-based & highly interactive set-up severally. The last item should be the meeting of the wives - whose venue simply has to be at the man’s diggz(shaggs) or a nice vast hotel with playgrounds & sheet. His sisters &/or senior aunts must be present.

Do not attempt if you’re not well-heeled to afford infrastructural requirements of schooling/education, medical, lebensraum, vehicles, good & plenty of food & pointless shopping…and a controllable business for each.

Finally, shopping - for households must be done separately, by each respective wife SEPARATELY. For the kids clothing & toys, throw them all in the vehicle & go splurge 60-80k once in a while (hii sio life ya hustlers, bruh).

The ultimate is when you finally invite both alone to shop for their personal clothing(not with kids, not for kids at all) in the same vehicle & store as you wait at the cafe).

Naturally, there’ll be lots of fighting (cold shoulder & otherwise) before the paragraph above is actualized.

This is not fiction.

Make such families known to each other especially the kids

Jist mention ayimba by name na uwache kucheza cheza kwa kichaka