Politicians and Wastage - Alfred Mutua Birthday

Why don’t we see successful business men (not the wash wash type) throwing this kind of parties? Why only politicians? Are we that wasteful as a society?


Huyu jamaa huwa na umama flani…no wonder ata first lady wa county aliona hawezani na lesbian relationship akajitoa.
If a 50-year-old “man” can be so excited about a birthday as to hold a public bash, what should we expect from teenage girls?

Very soon mtaona kwa magazeti “how machakos county lost 50million”

Is that Raila? :smiley:

Hapo kwa umama I agree with your observation.

What would you do if you hit 50 with his means? What would you do on your birthday? Remember, it is wrong to criticize something without offering an alternative.

He’s a politician, it’s in his best interests to court public attention

Good perspective.ameunda Doo mzuri at the right age

Jakuon seems to have a drinking problem like konyagi. At his age he should be consuming milk, not harsh drinks. Cheers my azz.

Know it all, ata kama unajaribu kuonyesha ujuaji wako wacha kuforce vitu zingine. At 50 years I highly doubt kama ata utakua excited na parties, doesn’t matter your networth. Wewe na uyo mujamaa mnasail kwa boat moja.

How would you spend your 50th birthday with his kind of money and connections?? People are different so leta perspective yako.

Bottom line is who is paying for the opulence!

Machakos residents residing in decadence

Sasa aliimbiwa " happy birthday to yooooouuuu ".


Life is short. Let the man enjoy his birthday in peace.

Hizi vitu hua zinafanywa zikilenga constituents wake wale walimpea kura. And it works, saii huko mayakos hakuna story ingine inatembea… ni westi ngate mbas ya mbathinday ya Mutua tu

He was throwing a revenge party to get back at his hot ex woman Lilian. Damn that nigga lost a good girl!

Calm down gossip girl and hot isn’t synonymous na good.

Kitu fine ni kitu fine. Mali swafii

Biashara ni biashara, look who else graced the event
