Political Intolerance Kule Ungereza


consequences of allowing Somalis into England

There was another one killed a few years ago anaitwa Jo Cox. Seems it is very dangerous to be an MP in Britain.


Knife crimes + being too pc = disaster.

The only good Zoomalian is a dead Zoomalian. Useless being. Wameleta shida kila mahali hadi South Africa. They should be bundled together and dumped in their failed state.

That’s the order of the day, its only on the news coz someone important died

Looks like the fella was an easy target, but wouldn’t mind some of this in bonobo land. You underachieve or mismanage public funds as an MP, CS, governor, or senator and instantly become a potential victim of a psychotic/angry mwananchi. Get knifed till kingdom come, and in the places they least expect, till they learn what being a public servant actually means.