We are helpless in the Kenyan situation against them since they are above the law and they carry all the guns. If only everyone was allowed to own a gun in Kenya, situation could be different
Vile tumesema mara nyingi huku: Kenyan police wakona training and mindset of the colonial askaris. Some ppl say that its because of their minimum KCSE grade but I personally believe the biggest problem ni hio training yao.
Ata ukieka mse alipata A bado atakuwa bonobo because of the environment and colonial training.
For a UFC fan unaniangusha. An eye poke is a very effective technique in a street fight without rules. In fact, it is better than a groin strike juu you can target eyes better than the groin. It seems you never learn any survival tricks ukiwatch UFC. In a situation where your life is in danger, an eye poke will turn the odds in your favor very fast before you can proceed to beat a nigger to a pulp.
Because he presumes msichana na sister yake wakiwa sex slaves [“fresh” , the opposite of “rotten” is not an adjective you’d use to refer to a sex slave, is it?]
Because he presumes that they accepted the oh see ess’s overtures.
Lakini pia mindset ya the average Kenyan public hazijaachana mbali na mindset ya polisi… So police is just a reflection of who we are in public… as a people…
So you were breaking the law and came here to boast about what exactly? How you got one over the cops? You should be in jail for assault and loitering, being a hoodlum and more