Police Insist Kianjokoma Brothers Jumped Out Of Speeding Police Vehicle. D- Want Us To Believe Such Sh!t

Mammoth mourners have turned up to witness the burial of the two brothers in the funeral service that is currently underway at Kianjokoma primary school.
The two will are being laid to rest at their father’s farm in Kithangari Kianjokoma in Embu North.
Benson Njiru Ndwiga 22 and his brother Emmanuel Mutura,19, were arrested by police last week and later their bodies were found at Embu level 5 hospital mortuary.


Their death remains a mystery as police said that the two jumped out of a fast-moving vehicle after they were arrested by police for contravening curfew hours.
Postmortem which was conducted at Embu level 5 hospital on the bodies of the two brothers showed they had multiple head injuries occasioned by being beaten with a blunt object.

Residents should have invaded the local Police Station and burnt EVERYTHING to the ground. FVCK THE POLICE. Wangechoma hizo vibanda hizi nugu zinapoishi zote. Takataka.

Pia mimi nasema fvck the police. Nishawahi wekwa manyahunyo for being out during curfew hours (the bulletin changing the curfew hours had been given the day before and I was unaware). The amount of violence that I received was not commensurate to the supposed crime. Fvck the police. Tell your kids to work hard in school if for nothing else, so they don’t have to be illiterate savages in uniform.

Kenyan Police are Terrorists in uniform. Fvck them Fvcking cnuts. Dawa yao ni vijana wa Baragoi.


Hapo umesema ukweli. The pastoralists communities like the Pokot don’t tolerate nonsense. Hao ndio huwa dawa ya hawa wakora wa D minus.

Wallahi huwezi kujua vile polisi wa kenya wanakuwanga wajinga kama hujawahi patana nao usiku. Halafu wanakuwekelea some flimsy charges trying to extort something from you. Ukikataa kutoa hongo wanakuweka Pingu na unalala cell.

Yani qualification pekee ya kuwa polisi hapa kenya ni dental formula. Anybody with a D- and 32 teeth qualifies as a police officer. Kusema ukweli hatuna polisi hapa Kenya. It is just a rogue poorly trained militia masquerading around in police uniform.

Thats why when it comes to vayolence,the naijas take the mantle…hapa kuna D- ingevalishwa pirelli

In the classic book, Animal Farm, remember that Napoleon’s dogs existed to protect the pigs. The police are not your friends.

Wacha ni nyamaze.


Well you all sound intelligent enough to figure out lawless areas and move there, makes zero sense residing where these dental qualified enforcers exert jurisdiction…teachers tried it and it worked for them…right?.. right?

I did not know that they have started biting suspects? What do you need 32 teeth for?

In mid 2019 I was arrested for dui along waiyaki way. Kwenda Station kabete I couldn’t believe wananiweka cell , I tried to resist. Niliwekwa slap moja na officer in charge pombe yote ikaisha kichwa…mimi na suti yangu ya pircelo from Italy with my mba nilikula slap kama mtoto wa class 2 na nikatii…from 1.00am usiku mpaka 10.00am was the longest night ever under that stench…

The following morning boy wangu akakam akahonga ocs 20k nikawachiliwa…my questions is why are police so rough? Why do they look like they are on drugs? So rough even on how they talk? Is it that they work under pressure?

The police need a total overhaul like what happened with the KAF in 1982. Strip it down completely and build a new SERVICE from the ground up.

This will never happen. They run the most organised bribe system in the world. Hata ukiwa leave kama police you still receive your “cut”. From mkubwa to junior officer

Black Lives Matter, kenyan chapter mko wapi? Led by @LuandaMagere ? Why don’t you borrow tips from BLM’ers in the US? Siku hizi police huku wametii, anyone of them try acting ignorant finds out exactly what happens to rogue police. Maybe BLM isn’t so bad in these crazy times. The police also need to be policed because they are obviously incapable due to their limited reasoning capacity, and the fact that absolute power corrupts absolutely.



Baragoi Boys ndio Kibiko yao.

Activism and BLM-ing alone is futile… shida ya kenya is systemic and it’s up to the leaders we voted in , to do their work & solve…BLM-ing si mbaya but bado negroes wanamaliswa , activism is a band-aid solution and [SIZE=6]activism is a thankless occupation[/SIZE]

In addition…anti police brutality activists in Kenya wanamaliswa and forgotten , in one case , a female activist was killed and the cause of death was said to be “aboshon related” , was it in kibera or kayole…mwenye alimuua unaeza guess , hio kesi sijui ilienda aje , hope she got justice

Kenyans mourn rights activist Caroline Mwatha | Africanews

After signing out of duty at the end of the day and returning the rifle back to the armoury, then joining the normal Raias at their favourite joints for kanywaji & nyama choma until midnight, that’s when good samaritans need to interrogate them peacefully on behalf of " their corrupt themselves" why they killed.

Police in Kenya are the scum of the earth. It’s because we source them from the bottom of the barrel and all they think of is enriching themselves illegally. May they rot in hell.

Exactly, how can fools expect to have a disciplined police force when the entire political leadership is made up of criminals ?

Its an indication of stupidity to go after the police saying FCUK THE POLICE without apportioning the main blame on the criminal lawmakers in the political leadership.

It is this kind of small mindedness stupidity that enables police brutality to persist.

In countries where the populace is not made up stupid fools, a case like this would have the populace go after the internal security minister like he was also in that police car they “jumped” from

EXACTLY, and that is what the fools saying “fcuk the police” are unable to get in their small brains

Have you ever been put in charge of people who are better of than yourself? Such tendencies exist because most of them lacked better opportunities in life and had to become policemen as the only viable career available to them. Poverty frustrates, even more so when you wake up and realize you will never escape it.