Pole pole bana isifike 100 million!

They went up the same way in 2016. Wasnt a problem then. Election results are not mandated to be reported on election day in most states. I am 100% certain you know all this.

Remember I told you that things are on auto pilot ? Nothing will stop the process of confirming Biden . Michigan state legislators have refused to be swayed in na White House visits.
Remember “Autopilot”

[SIZE=6]Tuck Frump![/SIZE]

When russia meddled with the trump election,was that or wasn’t it a type of fraud? Ama its water under the bridge?:D:D

the problem with sheep is that you don’t understand the concept of cause and effect… thus everything is a conspiracy against your master

I am pro Trump, still believe him better than Joe actually…

Still, here is the problem. To allege big, you must prove big, and have big evidence

My guy Trump is just acting like RAO…

Even if you were to find a lady who says she helped rig the elections, one or thirty isn’t enough. You need to show that the irregularities were sufficient to change the outcome.

I’m still waiting for the big evidence… If I see it, good times. For now, HELL NO!!!

I am Team Trump but I agree with you on this one… If you can’t provide evidence for your allegations, it’s careless to further divide a volatile country with nonsensities

I looked at it, very good allegations but untill I hear the same in open court… HELL NO.

Pressers are different from court sessions in that you can say anything. RAO said he won by about 7 million votes last time… His team didn’t even dare raise such a matter in court because pressers are anything goes

When these allegations are made in open court backed by the evidence, I will join you. Until then, all this is hearsay

but si trump won in 2016 ,everyone was surprised but they accepted and moved on.

Imagine if this happened in any other country except the US. Even the US would call it nonsense. This election was the most nonsensical in world history. Nowhere is the world have over 20 million votes comes in three weeks after an election.

Of course America is a country like no other. Google is a wonderful tool. Verse yourself with election laws of that country before you find yourself too far inside seaweeds. For example, in the District of Columbia, votes are accepted 10 days after Election Day if postmarked by Election Day. Military individuals in based in foreign countries are given the same right. Factor in transportation to tallying centers and counting. You may cry 20 million, but 160 million people voted. Thats only 12%. Ask yourself why Trump cannot challenge anything in court.

Can you kindly point me to the part in the U.S constitution as pertains to U.S elections that stipulates what type of evidence is “weighty” enough or “big” enough.

Are you an American Lawyer well versed in U.S electoral policies? Because CNN people are just noisy journalists. They are not lawyers or relying on attorneys who deal or have dealt with such cases.

This word conspiracy. There was the Russia collusion hoax and conspiracy, right?

But of course yours was not a conspiracy. :smiley:

To you it was absolute fact. Recently the Dems in congress dropped that Russian collusion hoax because of recent events. Indicating that that was all fake political sideshows by the Democrats.

[FONT=georgia][SIZE=7]Affirmanti Non Neganti Incumbit Probatio… [/SIZE][/FONT]He who alleges must prove…

That is the universal maxim of law. Big ALLEGATIONS need BIG EVIDENCE. So far my GUY HAS SHOWN NONE!!!

I’m not listening to CNN, I am listening to the Trump team and hearing a lot of accusations without EVIDENCE!!

The Russian thing was a hoax, until Trump’s team comes up with evidence… there’s joins in as the new conspiracy.

Everything is circumstantial

Things are OK where Trump won BUT Stolen where he lost. Ako an uhee kama Raila

The fcking election is over …move on …we the voters decided on November 3. If you did not vote please vote next time and if this was not your election please vote in yours na wacha kusumbuliwa na mafi ya wenyewe.


Learn to answer questions as asked. Are you a licenced American lawyer or just a busybody on the internet pretending to be a lawyer?[/SIZE]


Usijali. Trump anacheza multi-dimensional chess while others are still on checkers.

While others like @Mzichi think CNN is a law firm.



For 4 whole years you complained and even impeached President Trump simply because things were not in Hillary’s favour in 2016 ama umesahau? Hahahaha.

Mko na short memory.