Ploti Mzima Inakanyangiwa Chini


#birrionaire tingz.
Fukara kama @uwesmake cunt relate.

Hio bado ni over kill , globally.

People who buy these limited edition shoes don’t actually wear them. They’re collector items you place in a box in your walk in show closet for bragging rights and to sell later on the secondary market. It’s the same with limited edition supercars. Nobody actually buys them to drive them. You buy a million dollar Ashton Martin as a collectible not your everyday use car.

huwa inaoshwa na maji ama gold ?

Matope inapanguzwa na Jameson

Hizi bei mtu hutoa kwa turi anapost ama? They were hard to get when they came out back in 2016 so they were sold at $1600-5000 by sneakerhead coppers ,hence that price. Saa hii ata ni $95. But sensation ni lazima bonoboland[ATTACH=full]391644[/ATTACH]