Wadau naomba mwenye anakumbuka ile thread ya kurecover deleted sms from android anisaidie tafadhali …or Ktalk pros pliz bring your help here, safcom wananishow unless niwe na court order ndiyo wanipee.
kunguru hafungiki … ktalk principle #1.[ATTACH=full]170958[/ATTACH]
Leta hekaya kwanza ndio tuone the veracity of the need to recover…
Not really a kunguru but I gave some1 cash (not thru Mpesa) to give it to somebody & he texted me tat he gave him the money but he failed to give the money to the intended person. Now he denied tat i never gave him the money.
Nimbeca ngapi ?? if its below 5k msamehe.
I don’t think getting the text will prove anything…he/she will still refute even when confronted with such…it’s clear that the person is outright dishonest and no amount of evidence would subdue that…
Not buying . Leta hekaya
^^^^^^^^Vile amesema
Tumesema mara ngapi, always make sure any money lent especially to friends should be documented. Lipa karau arushwe ndani. Trust me you may not be able to salvage the friendship lakini pesa itarudi.
Its not worth the trouble, leave it to karma.
Pole ndugu. 45K is a lot of money.
Ulimpatia cash ama ulimtumia via mpesa? If it’s via mpesa you have a paper trail. Kama ni cash itabidi uume vako
Its like this, I have this friend of mine whom I trust until today whom I gave money to take it to another buddy of mine.
The laws are now clear Uhuru aliweka signature.
Hapa hauna proper documentation trail to follow up on the cash… This are the life lessons we learn everyday… Expensive but worth it.
Just get your mpesa transaction details for a span of a few weeks utaipata if it was over mpesa. But kama ni cash hiyo sahau brathee
since you say its Mpesa transactions.go to Mpesa menu go to my account.then request transaction.enter your email number.they will send email you all your mpesa transactions for the whole year in pdf format. You can use this as lets say evidence
Hapa ita backup ya @pamba
it was cash not mpesa