Bando & Sijarundishiwa is ze problem.
Maybe he is a Meru. They have those accent problem even after doing PhD in Harvard
Its usually chida ya matamchi. Sio ya maandishi.
An accent is something you grow into. If you can grow into an accent, you can grow out of it.
The mzungu accent [by an african] is forced and it is a symptom of low self esteem. How is it that Kenya has so many professionals who studied in India, but not one of them comes back speaking English with an Indian accent?
Mia mbili imekunywa maji hivyo?
Of course we consider the Englishmen/Americans to be superior to the Indian and that’s why we easily adopt the former. Vile tu huwa twang’ang’ana kuongea Kiswahili cha pwani
Hehe na imagin a kikuyu na ile shida ya matamchi talking while wobbling his head ati juu alisomea kwa kina patel and sigh…:D:D
Chinda ya matamuchi bando ni kizungumkuti
Saa hii number plate ya KDD inatwanga wakale kweli kweli. Wakikuyu tunawangoja kwa number plate KLR
K ero ero :D:D
Hausaidiki wewe
Hiyo itakuwa 2065
hakuna kulipa mahari malaya @Coronatities
Wewe hujalipia mama Cliché?
Hehe hujaambia Kiraitu poa.
Hehehe. But hiyo ni ukweli