Plans to provide broadband satellite internet to every corner of the planet.

Thanks to covid. …

More like collect data from every corner of the Earth.

Peasant in Chief

Peasant, hii itatuokolea.

Tunangoja Starlink ya musito Elon Musk. 100mbps unlimited internet itakuwa 300 bob per month.

This will be the end of Kenyan media. I can’t stand their mediocrity any longer.

Internet should be free

How do the Google balloons on our Kenyan airspace work?

Izo vitu ni bure

it should really worry us. It will go against the idea of net neutrality where everyone has equal access to the internet and that ISPs cannot limit or manipulate your net activity. Now with one broadband service provider it will be a monopoly and control our everyday life. Basically they can control what you get access to taking us a step back from what the internet was intended to do - FREEDOM. This is very dangerous to society as a whole and innovation. One thing is… Free internet is never free. You always trade something for free access be it your personal information or control in this case. All that the tech companies want is control and they will do everything to achieve it. Just look at Amazon, they keep making losses yet they keep getting bigger everyday. To them controlling e commerce is their end goal. Facebook free internet was banned in India while recently the Chinese authorities failed to authorize the biggest IPO ever in the world by ANT due to its control on online payments in the while of China.

Stop with your negativity and stupid reasoning. You’ve actually not given any reason that we don’t know of. People will be free to revert back to cellular or whichever form of internet connection they prefer and still, it won’t be long before competition gets stricter. ISPs probably have more power than this individuals and so space internet will tame them.

The end of the world is near

At 60,000 feet above air traffic lanes.

How not where dumbo