Planet X...aka Nibiru ...has been discovered!

The orbit of Nibiru is a great mystery. It is one tourist planet that travels from one end of our galaxy to the other end.

The vehicles to Pluto couldnā€™t find Nibiru coz it was at the opposite end.

Itā€™s a theory propagated by religious fanatics and doomsday conspirationists.
Source Wikipedia. [ATTACH=full]24033[/ATTACH]

wamureithi do you know your explanation isnt selling.
no planet roams the space(basic class three astronomy) they(planets/moons) are held into place by gravity of the bigger bodies the revolve around.
as @mathais have said it will remain a unfounded myth unless you come up with scientific terms to explain what sumerians think they saw

An elliptical orbit 1au by 1,000,000au is possible around our sun. Such an orbit would put the planet very near the earth while the planet would still reach the outer limits of our galaxy. The orbit would take thousands of Years. Thus, several generations would pass before appearance of the planet on earth. And thatā€™s exactly what happens with Nibiru.

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so one nibiruā€™s year is how many earthā€™s years?


Which gravitational force will keep it on itā€™s orbit.such a planet if it came close to earth will be attracted by sun gravity so instead of colliding with earth it will do so with the sun adding more fuel to the sun.o_O

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when was it last appear or was seen.
so that i know if i will wait for it

The planet is so massive that. it affects the Sunā€™s poles whenever it passes by. Its speed ensures that it isnā€™t captured by the sun (just like the other planets). FYI, this planet is 65,000 times the mass of our earth.

Not very sure, but we expect it around in 2018.

65000ā€¦ whaaaat? Acha niende nisome sasa about this thing. Anyway, considering the large orbits planets maintain isnā€™t the chance of collision 1in a zillionth?

Still the sun gravity Will be able to pull it in,such speed as you say make it spinoff itā€™s orbit

Chances of collision are very slim. However, due to the massive size, itā€™s gravity destabilizes the current equilibrium affecting even earthā€™s own polarity. Plants will grow at an angle instead of vertically. Rivers that once flowed east-west can reverse and flow west-east. That would mean Indian ocean can dry up and have the water move up mount Kenya. In fact, Nibiru is suspected to have caused Noahā€™s floods.

Thereā€™s a real reason to be worried!

Nope. For the same reasons our earth doesnā€™t fly off or get sucked in by the sun.

Then definitely itā€™s not a planetā€¦ call it something else.

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But this is huge and if the sun does not suck it in then it is far away to affect the earth.o_O

Hesabu ya elliptical orbits is quite different from circular orbits. As long as sufficient speed is maintained, the planet can orbit between 0.1au to 10m au without sucking or flying off.

It behaves like a planet- orbiting a star. So it is a planet. It is suspected to be the habitat of God.