Trying to talk Sheng and failing
PK was the right cadidate for nyairobi but his moves were wrong . Right from 2013 .
The only reason PK was fronted ni because he is a shiny eye, period! He is a vision less, no charisma, totally unmoving type of leader.
Inakuwanga ngumu for shiny eyes to swallow the inevitable truth that the next Nairobi Governor & Senator wont be from their home turf, na vile Nairobi inakuwanga ni kama ni yao businesswise.
Am hearing this kind of narrative from only you. Go to downtown Nairobi and Gikomba areas which are teeming with Kikuyus and the support for Sonko is absolute.
The only advantage that Sonko haa over PK is that peasants and the illiterate folks (who form the majority of voters) find him easier to relate with.
Thats coz sonko alitoa PK roho safi. PK stood no chance! PK angepewa hiyo nomination design ya shebesh, kungewaka moto jubilee.
But ul never ignore the fact that in jubilees nominations, majority of PK’s votes were acquired through the tribal card. Thats how pathetic PK is.
@Touchlyrics you have issues within yourself that cloud your judgement. how did you know who voted for who in secret balloting? did these people screw your girlfriend?
No issues whatsoever.
Just know thats the truth, that the likes of you find it hard to swallow.
Really DJ? I don’t think shinys have a problem with sonko as senator and and governor. Again, shinys are very unforgiving to anyone who betrays them. Look at PK and ndengu ndengu.
the shiny eyes are the bulwark of Sonko support, I see you trying to get them away from him via the tribal card?
many people see PK as a ‘project’ and a spoiler,add that to his true character coming out and his shady history and he looses many votes, i doubt he can make
uko na shida DJ tafuta mahali uwaze ujue ilitoka wapi.About dominating Nairobi its a free town so its just bullchit everyone can and has invested
You are a very angry man eith a small penis.
During his tenure as gatanga mp he could have moved to muranga governor post very easly but he made wrong move .
I know very very many kikuyus who voted sonko in the nominations and dont even want to hear of pk. But typical you, the tribal card must always be played
sasa ukikuyu unaingilia wapi hapa? SMH
Touchlyrics inakaa hizo samosa wewe hukula ni za punda wenye wako na pepo.
Mweke had a talk with the Kamba they are targeting several mp seats in Nairobi, he claimed that its a shame that the second largest tribe in Nairobi didn’t have a single mp in Nairobi.
What Kasee is doing its being done by kamba bloggers all over to try to get the support for KideroMweke second term and drive away Kiuk from supporting Sonko via the tribal card.
Commercial break @culture
Trying to convince a Sonko supporter to vote for someone else is the hardest task you’ll ever be given. Nakwambia that guy can run in any part of Central and win no matter what. People see what he does all the time kwa news and they forget the tribal chieth. Uzuri Wa Sonko he’s really good at being the ultimate Kenyan. I heardly hear his Tribe coming up. Sometimes I even think he’s Kiuk.