Very short: Don’t be a trick to these whores. A PIMP is just a whore who has reversed the game on these bitches. Let these bitches pay to get your attention and a taste of your swipe.
Most bitches in Nairobi want one thing: A good looking hunk dude they can show off on social media. This will get the ‘other guys’ salivating on her DMs and ready to splash on her. Don’t be the fool that thinks pussy can be owned. Be the guy that gets as much scratch as possible while the whore lasts. This is the new game by them sluts in town, fuck a hunk dude, show off, rise the price and duck. It happened to me a few times in the past. A chick fucks me two or three times and takes me out to drink and she does nothing else but take 100-200 selfies with me which she posts on IG and a few live vidz on Snapchat and suddenly they have their DMs lit up from fellow bitches and thirsty squares. She has used you to get ahead and if you are a square you will be heart-broken. Don the PIMP scarf and watch, anytime a bitch gets interested in you, make her pay with cash. Let the squares be paid with her cat.
Always remember: A PIMPs life is lonely but you gotta stay cold as fuck, remove all emotions and nothing can stop you from getting to your destiny.
Special congrats to one @rexxsimba , ever since you stopped posting that blue-eyed whale boy, you’ve single-handedly been carrying the S&R section here, keep it up playa.
Fantasies tu. Tafuta hela nanii, you won’t have to go through all those gymnastics to get laid. Women don’t think twice when there a possibility of being offered cash.
Basically, unasema wewe ni gigolo, ati get paid to lay mbishes…ama nimeshika nini.
Ata Williams himself knows that shit dont work, real pimps keep their merch hooked on drugs.
Now, switch off the tv na ukuje huku field, wewe tutakutumia kutuendea sigara na ice cubes kwa club. Asubuhi tunavuka na wasichana wote utuambie hiyo pimpimg inkusaidia aje.
This is no life to live. Yaani you’re constantly having sex with random and moving on. When will you get time to make money, check on investments, seek further education, make meaningful social and professional connections. If kila time your head is not emotionally stable. Y’all should settle down a bit with or without a partner there’s more to life.