Pahali imefika saa hii it’s no longer a joke. Nonjas really think they have a better chance of making money from extortion than from honest work. Below are actual messages I have received over the past month. Talkers, are we in the same country ama mimi niko msoto kuruka

[ATTACH=full]20092[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]20093[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]20094[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]20093[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]20094[/ATTACH]

Hide under your bed[ATTACH=full]20095[/ATTACH]

i received a similar message a while a go. hawa ni watu wa kamiti maximum security

the worst thing you can do is engage them…
mimi nilitumiwa ati nimesababisha apoteze mpenzi nitakipata

I agree - these scams are back in full swing. I get those SMS like once a day. Ati, “Nitumie 1K niko hosi please” etc

I suspect they are working with Mpesa guys - they kinda know you transact good money online

The one that killed me went like this…
Conman:-Auntie nitumie pesa nipeleke mtoto hospitali ameumwa na nyoka.
Recipient:pPatia huyo nyoka simu niongee na yeye.


How is mpesa and online related

Yep, Kiriamiti Maximum

Samehea guka, kitu yote virtual ni online na bado he his recovering from scrotum surgery


:p:p:D:D:D:D…Saw this one too!

Simu yangu ingine imeleta shinda<~ mungiki prolly wth meno brown n shining his red eyez



Today I think kamiti wako mid term. I leave my workstation to go to the toilet. when I get back I find 3 missed calls from unknown no. thinking it’s someone who wants to do biz I call back.

long story I know it’s a con man on the other end and i am furious . the guy goes ahead to ask for name I give him fake names then he asks for my I.D NO. at this point I knew it’s to get back at him for wasting my time.

I ask if he wants his mothers I.D NO. or mine he clicks and ends the call.

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Looks like @Wakanyama s handiwork

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How I wish that the CAK would institute measures similar to these:

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was wondering how long before this one came up…


the other week one called with a reward to mark the mpesa 15th anniv. after making him go through the narrative again as if i was truly excited he started asking for personal details and i told him; skiza, hiyo pesa nunulia mamako suruali. he disconnected without another word…


Kuna mwenye alinicall hapo nyuma unaskia ambience ya Kamiti anasema “Hambari mtenja mimi ni Michael kutoka Safaricom. Umennjishidia mirrioni kumi…” nikamzima na “Kumbaff, hiyo pesa jipeleke shule udanganyane vizuri!”


These people!

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Ng’ombe ya soko wewe, me non sober like u