Pfizer is more dangerous than Astrazeneca

But you said that you are descended from Egyptians and yet Egyptians had religion.

You even associate a lot with some idol called horus.

The best COVID-19 Vaccine ni RASTAZENECA



In other words, there is a very high probability that these vaccines will be administered indefinitely… what they are currently administering is a simple operating system upon which more software will be installed… with ulterior motives…


First of all, RT cannot be considered as reliable source of information.
This youtube channel is fully sponsored by Russian government, the information presented there is always biased and often fake. It is clear why they decided to make a video critisizing Pfizer: because they want to promote Russian vaccine which is called Sputnik-V. That is why, I don’t think that the viewers should be panicked by this video.
Secondly, every vaccine has some side effects. You cannot avoid this because all the people are different and they have different constitutional peculiarities. There is no 100% safe wayout of pandemic. However, you should know that the probability of vaccine serious sideeffects is much lower than probability of having COVID badly without being vaccinated. Every time you go outside your house you run risk of being infected irrespectively of whether you wear a mask and follow all the medical recommendations or not.
That is why the best option is to get vaccinated in order to save yourself and your nearest and dearest.

Why is it called a vaccine na bado unaeza pata covid after vaccination.