Pfizer is being sued for $3T




Am disappointed that Corona didn’t work effectively like black death , so disappointed with Antony and company. I wanted people to fall like flies even if am included . It would have been good for everyone .but the next disaster will be precise

Which one is next ?

Not a disease this round but a serious catastrophe . Epic

The black death. Haikufikia baafrika for obvious reasons, but ikiingia, wchacha vile pepopunda huwasumbua , hii mtakubaliana


Thermonuclear war in Europe.

Once that war starts, Israel will take advantage of the situation to bomb Iran mercilessly with tactical nukes.

China will also launch a massive amphibious invasion of Taiwan in the midst of all of this.

America will then be torn by a civil war as the citizens refuse to be drawn into war in Europe, Middle East and the Far East.

Pipedream. Pandemics are more reliable in killing to biblical proportions or other natural disasters

Ethnic weapon, reducing population of certain race, or with specified trait, gene.