Pesa Ya Wanawake

Nimesoma often watu wakicomplain after borrowing money from their wives. Apparently, they never know peace after that. Usually hii huaffect peasants and young couples wanaanza life.

I will give you losers some free game as your uncle. Ukiwa juu ya mawe uombe bibi pesa, borrow as much as you can. Why? Consequence ya kuomba 100k na 10 million ni ile ile - kelele :D:D:D. If the punishment is the same, why not maximize the crime. Sande.

Afadhali kuomba shetani pesa kuliko mwanamke. Very selfish creatures.

:D:D:DMnadealingi na sampuli gani ya wanawake:cool:

Pesa ya mwanamke ni kama premeditated murder. The punishment of killing one person is the same as commiting a genocide. In fact heri genocide utapelekwa Hague jela safi low density. But I digress. My point is, if you decide to make a deal with the devil (women), make it so big that you won’t regret the punishment.

My question exactly…if I stated my experiences here people would thinking am making up stories. Watu wachague wanawake vizuri.

Yeyeye to dropping some real gems and wisdom of ages yo. Salimia online daddy umwambie ujumbe umefika yo yo

I have a collgue niliomba pesa probox yangu ilipokuwa imekuwa na shida.nugu ikanipea 30k nirudishe ikiwa na na thao juu.weuh Wacha siku ya kulipa ifike deal ikabounce sikupata dough.ikabounce mpaka next week .na ilikuwa sat at 2pm was waiting for someone to send me thro mpesa so ni mpaka monday.ilibidi nimezima simu saturday hadi Monday juu Singempea pesa nikose kunywa konyagi.long story short,nilimtolea pesa mon nikampea na nikamwambia ata akiwai nikuta kwa shida gani asijaribu kunisaidia.mind you mimi nilikuwa nampea hadi 100k bila pressure ama the same nugu nilicomment kwa thread anataka mtoi na ana Camp the tunnel msa road.ogopa eve aliongea na nyoka

One more point. The best way to test whether a woman loves you ni kumuomba pesa because it goes against her nature to share resources with a man. Akikunyima you know what time it is. Also, akiloan mwanaume mwingine pesa (unrelated) you know what time it is. Huyo mwanaume amesongesha mileage ama akiitisha mzigo atapewa.

Ai online daddy alikuambia hivi ya ukweli?

Weka hekaya elder…my wife has spent money on me before. Never had a problem money related.

Reason unavalishwa homosexual socks with tight pants

Never had to borrow money from my wife or any woman. But kuna dem ashai nipee pesa nimwekee coz if she kept it she would spend it. A poor saver. So one time she needed the money…aliitisha na fujo sana.

:D:D:D tomba socks ulale ghaseer

Shida ya kuoa slay queen lanye

Wewe ulikubali kumwekea kwa nini?
Kudeal na mwanamke ni ngumu sana.

She will sale to a fellow female at x, man 10x. Hawana hurumu na masenge. Bure kabisa Ngombe ici

Masaibu ya watu wanaoa wanawake hawana degree (Masters).Cant relate.

When am down in business my wife helps me alot na sijawahi sikia kelele coz slaps zitatembea , jokes aside she isn’t the time @cortedivoire licks mattercore kwa dumpsites

THE BEST WAY TO TEST IF A WOMAN LOVES YOU :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D yaani wanaume ‘hutest’ women?!.. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

We decide on projects, she takes one, I take the other one