
Those among you who were of age will recall how a section of kenyan political actors have perfected the art of personalizing issues in kenya. Remember …

I guess it started with Mwiraria, je of the ministry of finance in narc gov.

Then came Murungaru, he of internal affairs

Michuki, after he rattled the Snakes

Kimunya, after Grand laico regeny
Many others after that

Now its waiguru.

Do you see a pattern.

This people were made so evil we thought they would spend eternity in kamiti. Yet, when they left, no evidence agaist them led to convictions. The only plausible objective for their ouster was to distablise, sensasionalize and to be the rallying call in funerals.

Waiguru is just that. A meeting ground for a section of the political actors who have no clear Agenda for this country. To remain relevant , they separate one from the herd, and history repeats itself. Our media on the other hand, for lack of any proffesional quality, and also to appear relevant, blow things out of propotiion.

Kenyas worst enemies may be Alshabab, but the most fierce sellouts, are the political losers and half baked journalists,.

Its chilly morning in mombasa as i travel west.


West must be Kwale County. Mimi kwanza these TV talking heads in the name of journalists are a plague just like those frogs in Egypt. The questions they ask to the air headed and half baked analyst and guests is baffling. Beauty with no brains.
And by the way an increase in interest rates is not only happening in Kenya and does not mean the country is dying. But when we trust CORD and their moronic corruption narrative,it makes it sound worse and in a way make people rebel against any economic activity thus slowing down the economy. But it won’t work.

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mimi ile kitu naeza changia kwa hii thread after watching news jana ni ati waiguru is dryfry material (bilawaru 2015!)


just a thought. whenever you want to do some badass stealing from the public coffers, what do you do bila kushikwa virahisi?

Plan 1: Create a diversionary story tactic. that’s where waiguru is…Make the half baked journos your friend. hata kama umewaita kusema matope…just pay them some cool elephants in white envelops…
Plan Two: The tendering…kuwa na watu wako ndani ya system to bypass the big man…kila kitu ikae legit.
Plan 3: you already have the loot…just give yourself a big V8 cruiser in your dead grandmother’s name or whatever you want to buy…and all will be well.

after all maybe our economy is run through stealing. the NGO’s will tell you more details. remember…You have the power to pay tax or not. you decide.
Rum, whatever year it was.

Those names stated seems to come from one part of the country, was it intentional or coincidence?

Ate THIS people? Just when I thought I have seen it all?

If the problem is in grammar, pick a book bro. One day it will unfold