For a million years people who think Ngugi deserves a Nobel prize for writing in Kikuyunese have been hoping and wishing for a NOBEL.
Maybe he should’ve wrote better books. Not every one thinks Kikuyu language is special. There’s nothing wrong with our language, just that it’s but one of 800 African languages.
Peace and Literature Nobel prizes are political nonsense, used for politics. A few years ago, Norwegian Nobel peace committee awarded the prize to a Chinese dissident who was already in prison. He was awarded simply because he had been imprisoned by the Chinese communist party. Bad move, what Norway saw will make them think twice before crossing China ever again. Then Obama won for nothing, then some some girl because she had been a victim of the Talibans. You wonder, why are all Talibans victims not recipients? In Africa, you need to be of benefit to neocolonialists to win. Mandela was promised and won it because he agreed to sign a deal that maintained status quo in south Africa with the apartheid regime without consulting ANC, yet he had no idea what was going on in the country because he had been in prison for about 30 years. Even then, he had to share the prize with the oppressor. Today, Mandela is regarded great because he accepted and agreed that blacks in south African had no claim to anything, they had to forgive and forget. Western media hyped the deal and made him great. Yet he never informed the real ANC fighters or their leader Chris Hani (they killed him shortly after), they saw it in the media.
Then the guy who won Literature prize today, they did not specify any of his writings as outstanding, they simply said that he writes about refugees and found it important to stress that he was born in Zanzibar and that his arab tribe were massacred during Zanzibar revolution by the black Africans, which I think was the real reason he won the prize, to show that blacks killed arabs in Zanzibar, otherwise they should have cited any of his works that deserves the prize.
They refused to give it to Chinua Achebe simply because he had criticised Joseph Conrad’s The art of Darkness novel as racist. Ngugi can never win because his novels portrays white colonialists as villains.
These prizes are just a way for the whites to promote what they want, no substance. Africans should not give any weight to these psychological weapons.
You are not happy that he is a kikuyu. What has he done wrong? He decided to start writing in his native language, what is wrong with that? Okay, you are a Luo, you must hate him because he is a kikuyu.
We should not be discussing which language he used but the content, even the good book ‘animal farm’ wasn’t written in english it was translated into. But why care about nobel proze they own it and can give to whomever the want.
Since you guys are pissed they keep ignoring your village idiot start your own honoring system.
Quit tarnishing what is a norm… and we don’t need to conform to your wishes. :p:p:p
While awarding the 73-Year-Old Tanzanian the prize, the academy explained that they recognized him for his "uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents.”
Tanzanian author Abdulrazak Gurnah.
The award is accompanied by a gold medal and the participants also win Ksh114 million (US$1.14 million).
"Gurnah’s dedication to truth and his aversion to simplification is striking.
His novels recoil from stereotypical descriptions and open our gaze to a culturally diversified East Africa unfamiliar to many in other parts of the world,” stated the academy.
His book, Wizard of the Crow is the biggest book in African language ever written. Whether he ever wins one or not is not an issue. His book is a comprehensive dictionary of the Kikuyu language, written by a native speaker. For a thousand years to come, the kikuyu language will authoritatively be preserved for posterity. Even the kikuyu bible is not as comprehensive. it was written by white missionaries with second hand accounts. His work on murogi wa kagogo is a comprehensive work written by someone who lived and breathed the language since his birth. IT’s an indestructible masterpiece
I think Africans need to establish and value their own prizes. that is the only way to take opinion power from the west. but you will see some mongrels suggesting that we start taking prizes from east, specifically china or japan. I am not saying Ngugi wrote any great books because i havent even read any of his books to completion. i found them boring in comparison so to other works a such as those by chinua achebe.
Ngugi is a tribalist. He criticized governments until Kikuyus took over power and then he went MIA, never to be heard from until landing back in Kenya. And hasnt raised a finger since.
But that’s why kenyans think he should win. Or they clamouring for him to win because he’s the best writer the world has ever seen? His novels are not flying off the shelves and they aren’t any small dedicated circle of fans either. He’s just one amongst many anti-colonialist writers.
[FONT=arial]I read only one of[/FONT] his book to completion many years ago, weep not child, and I found it interesting. I read four of Chinua Achebe. I no longer read fiction.
Some years ago, I went looking for the books by the Colombian author [FONT=arial][SIZE=4]Gabriel García Márquez, who won the literature prize in 1982, notably for his famous novel, “One Hundred Years of Solitude” (1967). I downloaded several of his novels including; Love in the Time of Cholera, [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=4][FONT=arial]Living to Tell the Tale and Memories of My Melancholy Whores and of course [FONT=arial][SIZE=4]One Hundred Years of Solitude. I found One hundred years of solitude boring to me because of its convoluted plot. But the world does not revolve around me. Many other people found that book exciting and it received world acclaim. So my attitude towards his books should not be the yardstick with which to gauge his writings. I finished reading only the [SIZE=4][FONT=arial]Living to Tell the Tale and Memories of My Melancholy Whores.[/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][FONT=arial]The only writer who received world acclaim (for his Things fall Apart novel and Antihills of the savanna novels) and never won was Chinua Achebe and we know why.[/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
Here’s a reminder of every African winner of the [=AZVGNqGNISupRodsFij7FCyX3yKd4tEnpD8rzZNzfNsrtFdKOuV6msFjV-SvbAN2W1qaxhyRt-2-6NCSaUYBsDR8bmdy-PBoESZgzRWeKkbYR4pOmlvLs2MePQvsqncr4a5VA8MaWr9p1eeDIruUiQtQMmpxlmbwGL3sdbV-Zw-Am-oaDgiJB1cY7fSr_LN1chHMFfasNTV5__3a0zSBV_Oh&tn=kK*F’]Nobel Prize]('[0) to date