how do you avoid limitation on a new paypal account? i have cases za wasee kulimitiwa account with lots of dollars ndani?
Google! PayPal account verification!
Kama ni wewe ningecomment.
yes nimeverify but kuna msee alireceive a high amount ikiwa mpya ikakuwa limited
:D:Dleo kiswahili amekukata
Then it could be tricky. And I it’s always PayPal who pester you to verify your account immediately you open one!
heri skrill basi juu ata unaweza withdraw na mpesa
Si huyo jamaa averify. Paypal will still cap amount that can be sent at once at $10,000 for personal a/c last time I checked limitations. So if you are sending 15,000, you have to do it twice. But i think these barriers can be lifted somehow.
The kyuk in him ameogea…
Somehow how their system flags you when you start raking in huge sums. Wacha nitafute screenshot fulani.
Your account must be old and playing in that league before they shaft your sorry ass and keep the 10 grand.
Bro tumia skrill ama payoneer…ama jaribu western union pia
You transact 10 grand per week or ? niuzie hiyo acc
No. not really. I just happen to know.
Account ya paypal inauzwa?:D:D
By the way those niggas at paypal wanakuwanga na wasee wa social engineering. Its very obvious. Msee anajifanya fala you will keep explaining your account limit problem for weeks. Kazi yake ni kukurudishia unintelligible messages. Saa ingine unalose temper unaanza kuteta anaendelea kujua more abt you. Once they are satisfied that you are not running fishy business wanalift. But they can be really sore.
How do you open a new Paypal acc and immediately unaangushiwa ma-thou za dollari. Watakushuku either wewe Ni drug dealer ama wewe Ni Al-Kebab.
Amalize kufanya verification kwanza.
Postal addresses, bank accounts/debit/credit card etc
Mimi account yangu ilikuwa imefungwa ikiwa na pesa, nilijitetea plus scanned documents. Thats when I knew they are searching for something bt somehow they felt I was genuine, lets I had done some shody deals. Plus if you are into forex Paypal isn’t your best deal.
For my company niliitishwa vitu kama 10… Later after a week ikawa verified.
Buying stolen/hacked PayPal accounts from the dark web?