Patrick Shaw is back!!!

…in form of Hessy wa dandora, hessy wa kayole etc…warnings are given, if no change, copper does work

@Kihii Kiaganu…jichunge

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Patrick shaw once chased as as boys when we stepped on his flowers hapo starehe boys where he resided, sijawai kimbia niki lia hivyo, he had a serious reputation even as kids we knew, so in my mind I knew he was about to shoot us.


That b***h I used to see her daily. Kasichana kapyenga hata huwezi sema ni mwizi

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She was given a warning beforehand. There is no way you will survive once they give you that warning. Its a ticking clock. Maiti inatembea like someone said.

Damn, So Mwanii is a former GSU officer ? This adds a lot of dynamics to the success of his elusiveness. Criminals who are former armed officers are usually more dangerous and slippery

Fagia yote.
Gangster lifestyle should never be encouraged nor glorified.
Again, fagia yote.

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Hama kayole…

Kayole sihami


…tunaweza sema wewe ndiye Hessy wa kayole?

Yaani tuseme we grew up in the same hood???

Mwambie hatuhami 1960