Paternity test is a tickling time bomb in Kenya

Since most men are oblivious they are busy struggling raising kids they meant to believe they are there own in reality they are pseudo father’s sad state of affairs for men…
DNA test as kibe put it is mandatory for any reasonable masculined man… paternity fraud expose is a big eye opener to cub, philandering and conniving nature of women via hypergamy, monkey branching should be contained at all way possible… paternity test is a blessing to man.

It will be banned by the government.

They will use the old trick of requiring by law that both parents must approve a paternity test.

That’s the trick they use in some countries because it gives power to promiscuous women (the suspects) to deny permission for a paternity test.

Muslims fear Allah

mama ya mkamba mjinga illiterate @PHARMACY huuza kuma AIDS infested 49 bob mlolongo

Mtoto wa Malaya mama pima mchafu pale kimilili mwenye ukimwi na clitoris mrefu kama ndovu

This is probably true.

However, going by the rate at which out Parliament has been reversing Femenist policies… it might not pass

Can @administrator ban @uwesmake and @PHARMACY? They’re making all threads stale. Go fuck each other in the DMs? Tumechoka!

Mama @uwesmake ni mama pima mchafu mwenye ukimwi na clitoris mrefu kama ndovu mwenye upea walevi wake coomer bwaku angalau mtoto wake mlawiti mwenda wazimu akule kakitu.mbwa za watu

Tuko hii situation sadly ju ya fellow men. Hizi story zote za alimony, wife having to agree to paternity, being responsible for a woman just by living with her etc are all because “men” made these fucked up laws

It’s easy, if the woman doesn’t approve the test, then the baby is not yours, ajipange kulea…

Wueh kumbe hii story ya banning DNA test ni ukweli

so? even marijuana has been banned, doesn’t mean people do not smoke.

demand creates supply. The market controls everything. When you ban a product that a lot of people require, black markets will spring up to fill the gap.

That’s why abortion clinics exist. It’s why organ selling is a thing. It’s why plenty of turkanas and pokots own guns.

Azor ahai, find time and look into something called “libertarianism.” Then you’ll stop your nauseous refrain of “government will ban…”

The government is not some mythical entity. It is simply a collection of men and women charged with some responsibilities.

Even here in Kenya if you happen to have been at the children’s welfare office and dispute the paternity… they compell you to have the test on the baby, the mother and you as the father.

@TrumanCapote kuja jibu handle yako iko na mjadala