In March & April, this wall disclosed that paternity fraud is a lucrative business in Kenya. Crooked damsels allow naïve men into the inner sanctum of their erotic valleys & subsequently claim to have been put in the family way. Some men not being too wise, dip their procreative pipes into erotic valleys without sheathing thereby exposing themselves to danger of disease & paternity fraud. There are w!men in Nairobi who are receiving monthly stipends for child support from as many as 3 clueless men who fear public infamy. However, one staunch follower of this wall could not be deceived so easily. When his fiancée who lives in another town disclosed that she was expecting his progeny & demanded to move into his house for emotional & financial support, he told her to hold her horses until she had delivered. After delivery (which he paid for), she proposed to move into his house but he insisted on a paternity test first. Two specimen were collected from him & the baby on 29.3.2022 and results delivered on 7.4.2022. The results disclosed that he is NOT the BIOLOGICAL father of his fiancée’s child. He spent KES 20,000/- on the test & saved himself a livelihood of agony from a paternity fraudster. The LESSON here is; men, if your wife, fiancée or girlfriend lives in a different town or you have doubts, please take the paternity test at the earliest opportunity possible.