These African pastors who have comedy like shows of people doing all manner of funny things at the podium to atone sins and seek salvation while proclaiming mirracles, how comes they always target the financially down trodden masses. You will hardly see such nonsense in affluent neighbourhoods or countries because they target the gullible. If this was the way to worship it would be prevalent all over the world accross all religions.
Let us see nganga orgarnize an international crusade in say Sweden or Norway and we see those wazungus doing such nonsense as rolling around and making funny noises.
You will see these kinds of nonsense in affluent neighborhoods and countries as well…do your research. There is a reason why religion is reffered to as the opium of the masses.
A self styled prophet in S A who claimed to ressurect a dead man, In a video it was a pure acting,there is no such miracles.They are made up to obtain money from hopelessness of our people.
They are there but highly discouraged because majority has grown to have some decency in the way they do things, here they use such theatrics to advertise they can do miracles.