Park between KU and Clayworks

Wadau, I see cars parked in the park on that stretch between KU and Clayworks just after the bridge. Everyone seems to mind their own business, cars parked apart from each other. Considering f**king someone inside a car there, has anyone done so there? Any chances of getting busted?

Who is to bust you? Doesn’t your car have diplomatic immunity?

I think it proves that people need more public green spaces.

Key words: Public Green Spaces

Many people live in shoebox apartments without green spaces. Heck, even many gated estates have no green spaces. Sometimes people just want to drink juice under a tree and breath fresh air.

Hivyo tu ndio unaharibu a very nice place for everyone else. Niko sure jalopy haina air suspension so watu wataona gari ikibounce kukura kakara. Tafuta elfu tatu and get a decent studio airbnb ama elfu mbili and get a lodging ama elfu moja upeleke gari kwa ofis block parking lot na upatie watchie za macho so you can ruin your suspension in peace.

Manze… one of the few green spaces we have… and this MOFO is about to ruin it. Now kids won’t be able to go there kwa sababu @boishaod lazima atombe malaya ya 150 kwa his 2005 fielder.

Whatever evil it is that you are contemplating , …


Ensure that it is not with an underage School Girl … :D:D

Hahahaha I love the 2005 fielder part…mine is even older and worse

I enjoy fresh air pale ocha nimejenga. I go there for a day or two nikipeleka watoto kwa nyanye yao. Quiet and fresh air. Nimeweka hadi hammock chini ya mti. Best place to be at

Kenyans love nature more than I thought. Maraya peleka lodging apana sumbua Kenyans.

How do u disturb anyone when I’m in my jalopy, windscreen tinted? I see guys drinking with windows open maybe you should start with them

Hakuna mahali huwezi kulana hii kanairo.Nimekulana mara kadhaa karibu na lake lilly pale karura,nimekulana city park,nimekulana kwa basement parking ya ecobank towers after kuwachia wochi rwabe ya jicho.Hio park karibu na KU kuna jamaa alipost hekaya kwa telegram channel flani akidai venye alikulana so yes,its possible.But park gari mahali kuna manyasi mob ama park mahali kuna ma depression kwa ground such that gari ikienda up and down jiggyjiggy it will be hard to notice.

My fisrt car was a year 2002 fielder nilikua nimepimp vibaya sana.I once bumped on it as i was driving into Kitale town.If only the new owner new the number of girls who screamed in the backseat from Mombasa to Nakuru.

Watu wa up country tunatambua green space kabisa

or plisner

Umebakisha kukulana kwa plane airborne na under the sea waters @anon46421834

NMS is doing an upgrade on Aga khan walk

Indeed you do …
Na hamuogopi nyoka … :D:D


I have been there,done that…gari iko tinted all round…lakini jasho ilitoka weuh…and it was bj so yeah but bado it was a risk ju am sure its an open secret wat goes on there so mtu anaeza taka kua creative…hii kanairo