Parental Excess

Is this behavior Fair …
Or even Legal … ???

Bure Kabisa …


huyo mama yuko tu sawa. she will not rear a thief!

Mtoto wa Bonobo analewa Kibonobo. You see we are in African and we have a Luo provide " Liech ongiyo gi oporo" Meaning the elephant is used to beating" You see some of these kinds are stubborn mbaya saana. You have to inflict or rather beat for character development.

Mtoto akichapwa ni hatia.

Akinyolewa pia ni hatia?

Why is it not fair? Kwani nyewle haitamea tena ndio iwe dhambi? That guy on Twitter posting this is the kinda idiots thats breeding a new generation of fools & carefree kids who don’t want to be referred to as he nor she & got nooo regard/respect for anyone other than their stupidity. Nonsense.

Thats not how you raise kids…

Hapo mama anapanda mbegu ya dem mmoja kichwa ngumu sana.

Growing up , I was never subjected to this sort of behavior , even when I was delinquent or disobeyed my parents or senior guardians…

I remember once refusing to cut my hair before going back to boarding school …
Mum lost her patience and wanted to get tough ( …she was tough… ) …

My Dad ( …the Sage…and a Medic , by the way…) took me to one side and the hygiene and grooming advantages of short , neat hair ( …like himself…) and the reality that upon arrival at School , my House Master will most definitely impose that requirement…
I went of and had a regulation haircut …
And learned an important lesson in reasoning , discipline and negotiation …

Moral of the Story:
There is always more than one way to skin a Cat … :D:D

Depends…and since you are a medic I suppose you have come across categorisation of personalities by Hippocrates …the way you handle a choleric personality kid should be different from the way you handle a phlegmatic type. Wengine lazima kiboko kiasi…wengine kaisha tu chini na uwaongeleshe…takes a wise parent to notice such traits

Definitely …

Spare the Rod and spoil a Child …
But there is a lot more to it than that …
However , I draw the line at violence towards children …
( … GOD knows I have treated enough of that nonsense …)

The behavior of any child is regulated by the home and community environment …

The problem we have with modern affluent degenerate Juveniles is absentee parents ( …brought up by maids ) , poor parent behavior and poor life choices …

What the mum is doing is what is called ‘escalate to de-escalate’. One way or another it is forcing or enabling or facilitating or even empowering reason to override emotions. With modifications and in different flavours it is a valid real life strategy and always successful 100% no matter the situation.

Simply put, if you know the person you are at variance with can do you more than you can do them, then you know huna bahati. You can only have your say, but not your way in that specific matter you are at variance in.

There is nothing wrong in knowing that and acting accordingly.

Hawa ni wale wazazi walilelewa kwa viboko na matusi and they think they turned out right.They didn’t.

In fact , on point there …

One of my classmates was the son of a well known Anglican Bishop …
You would think that strict , heavy handed upbringing would produce a model citizen …

Hehehehe… hehehehe…:D:D

Wacha hizo kiboko lazima kesi baadae

Wao huitwa PK - Pastors’ Kids. Many are off the rockers!

Mama ghaseer sana.

:D:D:D Stupid people like you should not give birth. Your daughter will be a lanye hapo SJ atamwagiwa ndani na kijiji yote.

so uncouth

I totally support,
My cousin grew dreads , the parents made a demand it’s either shave or kutoka.Kijana akirudi after 3 weeks amenyoa na kunishow amelala njaa siku katha na amekubali yote.

nipewe location ya huyo msichana nimsaidie pesa ya Salon

She is ruining her daughter’s life. Huyu atakuwa na issues mob in life na akipatana na my kama mimi, I will take advantage of her.

Alafu upate mamake alianza kutombwa akiwa 13yrs. These moms who started being “eaten” kitambo are the most strict.