Pale Reddit.. Of cousins eating your main dish

Ndio maana huwa nasema… She’s never yours, it’s just your turn… Kula ukiendanga


Shared a bedroom and a bed? Some people too stupid … akule io ujinga yake.

Slices, slices guys!!! Chukua zako waachie wenzako

Mtu si bibi yako…she doesnt have a child with you na bado unasema hujui what to do. Kuna watu wanakuwanga down sana confidence wise that wakipata mtu mmoja anawapenda they stick there forever. They believe they cannot find anybody else to love them.

Ati he’s not sure how to proceed? Move on, my brother. There’s nothing you can do and no amount of technical fouling will help you.


:D:D:D Wah! Kali hiyo dribbling. Anyway. Huyo jamaa ni fala kuruka

Hata mimi @kush yule mnono aliwai nibinjia Nyakio wangu. Hio bado sijasahau

Jirani cheza chini

My ex shared slices to almost all her cuzos.


ate ke?

Na simanze you should shout out loud that you are gay? and the object of your fascination is my @kush yule mnono? let me just tell you again and for the last time Kush is as straight as a rod. Dude does not swing both ways. I can tell you that na ndigukurihia.

In Magufuli’s voice! “Not to that extent”

Cheswa…no cure for stupid.

Hadi alijipiga chobo ju hio ball haikuguswa but bado ilipita.


@Waithelelo cum srowry

Jirani go easy on yourself.

Aki ma deer … ujui unanijua;)