Pale Jamaican parliament ..

Didn’t know they all speak like rappers

Yes Rasta!..

Yani the British spread their system of governance all over the world and we dont know any other

Sounds like a 22-minute long reggae song

parliament ya Afghanistan wanaingia na AK47 , watu waheshimiane

Suggest another system. Am interested.

its a very old system but is well documented as having been implemented by Greeks first and then by the Roman republic. its probably older than these too. its not british.

Wollan, Wollan…

The British Empire know how to establish Countries.

One party Chinese system the best political system.

Mukamba,say pidgin not rappers,unaskia akisound kama snoop?

akisound kama snoop?:D:D:D:D

The way the accentuate their english is very funny, put some beats and it becomes a reggae song

Wanasound ni kaa wana deejay, which is what their version of rapping is called apparently, na Dj wanaita selector.

You may actually have a point there.

hehe the accent is amusing

Mogoka base chronicles

we had it for along time in the name of kanu. its not new as you think.
