So if they are told they are cheap then what the hell are they complaining about if you buy Raila you get all the Luos free?
No deal can ever be cheaper than that.
This right here is the message I try to send Nasarites each single time and what do they retort back…mtatiii vile Uhuru atasema is what you will do. How deluded can they be? they actually think Gikuyu nation will ever listen to Uhuru again? the way they have listened to Babuon for 100 years… aaaai not us. We want him out…we can find another leader and it is not going to be Waiguru. Wamama and the youth have refused. Akwende na huko…
This is going to be more fire and I hope corona spares me…
Look at how Raila’s agents distributed expired food to them in Kibera ,years of being battered they have mentally been subdued
There’s another tribe: The Mtu Yetu tribe. They are the loudest.
exactly. that most happens to be kikuyus is just a coincidence
Jaluo jinga
if today ruto was able to afford raira, you would see them supporting ruto almost to a man. ofcourse just like they have been sold the handcheque BBI noble intent of fighting corruption( forget waiguru, wako and co) they will be sold the noble intent of fighting betrayal.
Say nomore. As soon as Uhuru signed the hand check Most Nasarites changed direction immediately! and started worshipping him and singing his praises from dawn till dusk. When I think how much they used to hate and vilify him…I amplify to my friends how quickly we need the son of Ngina out of the scene…come 2022. Peacefully.
First, Ndii is a biased motherfucker who thinks he is well acquainted with every sector in country. Why the hell would I mind what position is given to what Luo when that same Luo doesn’t know me and will probably die without knowing me??
Secondly, the same way a tribalist stupid brainwashed Thuraku fool, of which majority are in this thread, chooses who to follow is non of business, so should me following Raila be any of their business. Even if we are sold for 10 cents, our choice should be respected, the same way you stupid mentally numb Okuyu chose to back the most incompetent and most useless fool for a president.
Thirdly, we are not different. You can call Luos the cheapest brunches, but fact remains that at the end of the day, you are the most cheapest block who can even vote for a dog provided Raila is on the other side. Your choices are purely influenced by whether Raila is running or not, and never based on a person’s agenda.
I am mesmerized that you fools choose to talk about Luos being cheap when your economy is just a sign away from crumbling. But no, that isn’t the main concern right now, even if yoir wives are being raped that isn’t the main concern, Raila is the focus. You people have been so brainwashed you can never fail to see any other perspective but the one which your masters have forced on you. That’s a topic I know you are not ready to talk about right now. Let’s go back to name calling
How does NHIF invest the money it collects from kenyans?? Does it operate like a pension fund?
Personal entity ya wakubwa, kina Atwoli
So how to do they stay liquid and finance their expenses??
Raila will die before 2022. Peace for ever. It is easier to deal with 10 Rutos than one Rao. I don’t hate, just distrust him big time
Very true, was talking to a friend who was totally opposed to UK 2017 and kiuks in general (called us theives and tribalist)
Now he’s waxing lyrical on how great UK is and that the BBI/ kiuk and luo alliance, guided by “our” great families, would combine kiuk enterprise and luo brilliance to lead Kenya to greatness! (Haiya now we’re enterprising not theives:oops:)
Haki nilicheka yangu yote, couldn’t believe such tripe coming from an otherwise brilliant , well educated man!
kukuyus are the same
No way.
Let me give you one example, the BBI.
Luos have been very enthusiastic about it.
Kikuyus on the other hand don’t want anything to do with the nonsense to the point the last BBI meeting had to be taken all the way to Meru due to the hostility on the ground in the core Central Kenya regions.
Yet the process is being driven by both Uhuru and Raila.
kikuyus are luke warm to BBI because their leader is. uhuru isnt interested in BBI either. Kikuyus like yourself believe they are superior to other tribes thats why they believe uhuru taints himself by associating with jaluo raila. Luos are actually more modest in viewing other people and that’s why they have no problem supporting a non luo. Merus are 10 times better because they discern that the opposition also offers something.
Still Kikuyus are the same. Its just a matter of preferences if Ouru rebrands, they’d swallow whatever he has.
This is the longest reply you’ve ever written. Umeumwa hivyo?
Tukubaliane tu, Jaluo wako kwa mfuko wa Odingas ile mbaya. Even when you love awoman it’s good to show her you have options otherwise atakudharau.
[SIZE=7]NHIF suspect flies choppers to beat traffic[/SIZE]
Tuesday December 11 2018
Fredrick Sagwe Onyancha lives like a king and owns several town houses.
Fredrick Sagwe Onyancha when he appeared in court on Monday, December 10, 2018. He was charged with others for loss of over Sh500 million from NHIF. PHOTO | DENNIS ONSONGO | NATION MEDIA GROUP
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[li]Until 2013, Mr Onyancha was an average middle class Kenyan earning a monthly salary of about Sh150,000.[/li][li]That changed in 2014, when he was picked to join NHIF’s tender evaluation committee.[/li][li]In a short four years, Mr Onyancha announced his elevation by buying, at a go, eight town houses.[/li][/ul]
NHIF suspect flies choppers to beat traffic | Nation
[SIZE=7]Over Sh10 billion feared lost in new NHIF pay scandal[/SIZE]
[li]Cyrus Ombati And Roselyne Obala 25th Feb 2019 00:10:00 GMT +0300[/li][/ul]
The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) could have lost more than Sh10 billion in false medical claims, investigations have said.
Sources said the figure had been flagged as fraudulent and was part of about Sh50 billion paid to NHIF by Treasury as capitation premiums for medical cover for civil servants, Kenya Police Service, National Youth Service and Kenya Prisons Service since 2013.
Payment arrangement
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Capitation is a payment arrangement for healthcare service providers whereby a physician or group of physicians are paid a set amount for each enrolled patient assigned to them.
Over Sh10b feared lost in new NHIF pay scandal - The Standard Health