If you found $600 million in cash money, what would you do?
Colombian farmer Jose Mariena Cartolos came across the drug lord’s fortune when he received a grant from the Colombian government to develop a palm oil plantation on his land, While digging and tilling the soil, he found containers filled to the brim with cash – money said to be a part of Escobar’s $30 billion fortune. If you watch narcos, you know that many drug lords amass so much money, they opt to bury some of it as opposed to laundering the proceeds.
I assume that money is useless now. The serial numbers might have been retired from the systems coz they usually buried the monies in US Dollars. Might be wrong though
Shida ni, most stories kama hizi huwa uongo, msee anafikiria vile ata boost traffic to his site and he think linking pablo escobar’s 600 million and a farmer italeta wasee na ubaya. Guess what, it works because most people on the net are stupid, as long as he reads it, it has to be true. Unakumbuka zile story za Mugabe then Trump chiding corruption and government wastage in Kenya, people up to now believe they were true.
That airing series of Pablo is a TV show based on Pablo’s life, the Columbian government assisted soo much by the US government tracked him down through a phone call isolator system and was shot dead in medilin sometime back