Our youth are rotten and we have no future as a nation


Every generation says the next generation is doomed. Nothing new here

Previous generations were even worse. Have you ever asked yourself why Kenya is such a Shithole?

Iwe huru

Not true. We were not this unruly. Even doing some things like drinking alcohol or smoking was never done with so much daring spirit

Hawa walizaliwa mid 2000s
They’re worse now
Most of these kids ni kababa
Most boys nowadays grow up without fathers or betamales as fathers

Hata hii kijiji iko na some kababa products

Speak for yourself.

I never grew up in isolation.

mtu kama @Jura na @Kihii Kiaganu ivi ivi

Jura ni Mzee wa heshima buana. Labda kîhîî kiaganu na Digi

na @tall mnyama everywhere

When wazazi ni the likes of old demented fools like @ChifuMbitika and mkamba mjinga illiterate @PHARMACY , cases like this don’t suprise me

tombwa mkundu ghasia



Mimi sio babako kababa:D
Ntakupachika kibare uhare matumbo baradhuli wewe

Usijali ,these extreme cases aren’t the average youth.
Plus Older generations always look at the youth as doomed.

Mamako ni demented na Malaya dio akazaa chokosh inaitwa @Nipe Nikusifu nikudeenyer

kama ulkuwa CU and did not do these things in your youth haukuishi

Pombe na bangi ilikuwa inavutwa tena na psyche. The only difference between then and today is the fact that the proliferation of the smartphone has made access to news easier than ever.