Our House superiority

Yer ner yer. I know we sre the Black Jews and stuff, but this here is pure clap. The lengths that somw will go to justify a myth are , sometimes, boundarline psychotic. Watch the clip and weep


Hii tuliona lini army nimeona wakivuka baro wanakam


Am very sure @mayekeke Posted this before.

Calling ourselves black jews is to suggest that if we were just black, without the jews part, we’d be inferior. That is stupid. Let us respect ourselves a bit more.

@clawmatsu kwani muratina ya jana usiku haijatoka kwa kichwa??

Kuweni wapole, fuda



Immafind that muffacka and stab him.




Hajakosea sana. I mean the story is from the 1960s. Kikuyus due to their proximity to the white man during colonialism were studied and written about a lot. The older Leakey for instance was an “expert” on the Kikuyu and he wrote a lot about them.

And especially after the mau mau struggle, there was and there still is a lot of material out there about this tribe. So, there’s a likelihood that the young, entrepreneurial Stan Lee while doing his research came across some books about the kikuyus of Kenya, stole some details and drew his comic.

And truth be told it’s not just the fertile kikuyu land that attracted this mzungu akaamua akwame central. I mean there are better places in Kenya much much better than central and with even more rivers.

These beautiful kikuyu girls didn’t start affecting men of other tribes and races today. Unaona akina uwesmake hapa, the negro just couldn’t help himself. Aliona mtu akapigwa na bumbuwazi.

Hata wazungu ni hivo hivo waliona okuyu woman wakachizi. There are accounts of British rail builders who abandoned their British wives wakachukua bibi okuyu na hawakurudi kwao. Some even changed their names so they can never ever ever be traced, ever again. Inaitwa Kikuyu fever.

Ati reli ilifika central wakaona wakae hapo ati wajenge Nairobi… Oh please. The womenfolk also played a role.

Lemmie add to this story my two zim dollars. Wakanda comes from the word kanda meaning a guy as in “îno nî kanda ya gwitû” so Wakanda means “son of a guy/dude”

Right, wrong or otherwise doesn’t really matter. An enterprising Kikuyu guy should be busy trying to commercialise this and turn a profit. Wakanda sandals, wakanda prayer beads, wakanda bracelet etc

Wakanda Vibranium could perhaps be linked to Vibration - Higher self, levels of consciousness

The vibranium meteor fell; a number of Wakandans were painfully mutated into “demon spirits” and began attacking their fellow Wakandans.

Genesis 6:

That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became

mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.

5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

The quest for a people’s daughters, remains the same- a war on the nature\ essence of a people; erode their inner potential and keep them down. If their nature becomes
un-tampered they may become a formidable force to reckon with.

Mshaambiwa wakanda is a make believe society. Are Africans so devoid of esteem that we now want to cling to fantasies?
Half the cast in South Africans that should be enough.
Africans discovered iron smelting on their own
The judicial system of the Buganda kingdom was something the white explorers had never seen
Ethiopia was the oldest well organized monarch
The Sudanese were fierce warriors
Mansa Musa was one of the wealthiest emperors in the world…