Some people have been trying to sell a narrative that our skin color is the cause of our under development and problems as Africans. That i completely and totally reject. Take a scenario where two identical twins of the same IQ are separated from birth and have one grow up in Kenya, attend Kenyan Schools and university and the other identical twin grow up in a country lets say Germany, attends German schools and universities . And lets suppose both of the twins end up becoming politicians and president of their nations. Do you think they will think and act the same? The one who grew up in Kenya will be a tribal lord, looter, talking his mother tongue in public while he is a president of the entire nation. He will appoint majority of his ethnic community to reign over his government not based on their performance but rather sycophancy. He will be busy fighting the parliament and Judiciary. The other identical twin who grew up in Germany and becomes the president of Germany (Assuming that Germany had presidential system of governance) will be running government based on check and balances of democracy, he will respect the separation of powers between the three arms of government. He will appoint people to government positions based on integrity and intellect or performance. So at the end of the day both of them will be of the same IQ but the difference in their behaviors and way of acting has been influenced by the environment and culture they grew up in. Kenya’s problem is the bad culture, which has pervaded all the aspects of life. If Obama had been born and grew up in Kenya, right now he would probably be another John Mbadi singing to the tune of Raila and playing tribal politics. Our culture need a total rebooting and this can only happen through education to instill the right values, a benevolent dictator with a vision who rise to be the president and instills the right values on us just the same way Kagame is trying to do in Rwanda or maybe we be recolonized by other culture such as if British had recolonized us till 2050. Without that we can hardly expect any major change in Kenya. But our problem is not IQ but just our bad culture with bad values.
Nobody wishing for his people to be recolonized has the welfare of his people in mind.
You’re just too lazy to figure out a solution so you think going back to your old boyfriend who used to batter you will solve your stupidity problem.
Fuck off with your weak spine. Plus uko free kupanda ndege ukaishi Germany. Wacha sisi tujaribu kufix shida mmeshindwa nazo.
But i have given three options that can be used to tackle our problems
Education- to instill the right values
Benevolent dictator - to instill the right values and lastly
Recolonization by another culture-meaning that the better culture takes over you
Why have you chosen to focus on the recolonization only out of those three i have mentioned and just spew hatred on me?
This is an old argument that has been on Klist for years. It is like asking about Chicken and egg puzzle.
What made the Germans Develop while Africans lagged behind lets say in the year 1500? Was Germany as advanced as it is today, wasn’t it very under developed?
Don’t start telling me about 4000BC Egypt and Mali, Why is Mali so poor today?
Hata upate degree Kumi na saba akili ni ileile ya Mtoto wa Std 2, can’t work without supervision or threats.
I agree. Culture and environment shapes humans. The evidence is all over.
The culture of excellence starts with learning to write properly. Let’s say you were taught about paragraphs in class three but you still insist on writing poorly. Will going back to school help? Will a dictatorial admin help? Will having a White boss help?
Haiya…Sometimes I don’t believe the things I read from you. Are you actually advocating for recolonising in this day and age??? And from the Brits? hamia kwao should be your strategy not inviting them back to Kenya. They will never leave. And you will never reap any benefit. They will.
As it were, any single expatriate that I know off puts up a spirited fight to stay on in Kenya when the contract ends.
As much as you tried to sound smart you are generally dumb on this matter.I actually started dismissing you when you gave out your ideas if you ascend into leadership.Only difference between you and the sell out giving us away to China is,there’s actually no difference.
Hitler grew up in Germany,You can’t see a difference between a Jew and a white person,they were actually going into historical records.You may refer to the Rwanda genocide it’s actually similar.There is more difference in appearance in every single community in kenya in appearance than you can find in a Jew.
You think recolonisation will favor kenyans in all the years of slavery,segregation,apartheid and colonisation you seem not to have understood anything.
:D:D:D:DWhy is your focus on recolonization only? I have talked about education and benevolent dictator, Why have you not chosen to focus on those two and instead focused on the issue of colonization only as if I have said that is the only logical solution to the problem whereas i have given three best available options
:D:D:DWhy is your focus on recolonization only? I have talked about education and benevolent dictator, Why have you not chosen to focus on those two and instead focused on the issue of colonization only as if I have said that is the only logical solution to the problem whereas i have given three best available options
You have sunk to low levels. You said you want to be an MP but if that is your solution then I don’t think you should be elected anywhere.
Have some pride bana, umesoma upuzi za Uncle Toms in this website to the point you’re regurgitating what they type here.
This is not an option. There is nothing wrong with Kenyans it is the system+leaders who we have. The leaders get into the positions of power and then switch allegiances. The system needs overhauling to make it easy to recall politicians as soon as they switch up on us.
The group of politicians that went to watch FIFA World Cup on taxpayer funds should have been replaced that same month. 5 years is a long long time to wait to remove bad leaders.
But the system makes elections deliberately expensive so as to dissuade citizens from impeachments.
If these politicians knew they could be fired as easily as KCB employees know they can be fired, they would put in real work everyday.
I have given three options that can be used to tackle our problems/that could eradicate our problems
Education- to instill the right values
Benevolent dictator - to instill the right values and lastly
Recolonization by another culture-meaning that the better culture takes over you
Why have you chosen to focus on the recolonization only out of those three i have mentioned?
so ua assuming every kenyan is a "tribal lord, looter, talking his mother tongue in public "…?
You shouldn’t even think about recolonisation, it isn’t an option
A dictatorship is good but the current regime is too far gone and having different tribes,it won’t work unless we breakdown kenya into regions with their own ethnical representative.
This points out there will be no overlord(president)rather a council to manage the country as a joint team.They could then breakdown ministries into main points of focus-agriculture,infrastructure, education, industrialization,military/national security each with their own system of governance and functioning.Also a sector for trade and conservation of wildlife and sceneries as well as environmental clean in other words everyone should contribute in development.
Break away from single subsistence farming into plantation farming in the way of managed Sacco’s. Not the same as currently just one farm managed jointly.
All this in my own opinion,you are welcome to point flaws.That is just my idea of a way forward
Read the book Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. It explains in great detail how and why Europeans came to be the Apex predators of the human race. Plenty of bitter pills to swallow in that book but if you want to know the truth about the story of human civilization it’s a must read.
Because you cannot tell people to choose between chicken, beef and rat. It shouldn’t even be in consideration if you want people to take the first 2 seriously.
Ile ujinga mtu aliwekewa na wazazi eti huezi oa kabila ingine ju swara zitakufuata,usikule mgongo ya kuku ju ni ya wanyanya ,usiamke kitanda kama umeangalia sijui side gani utakua maskini …ndio zinafanya watu wakue na akili punguani.
Because this one negates anything else you may have said hapo juu. Sticks you like a sore thumb.
Some comments from yahoo article about Africa. HARD TRUTHS
Delete this thread if at all you have any brains left in your tiny cranial space. It reeks of ignorance and stupidity.