Semeni wananchi. Firstly, this is not intent towards the end of emotional and dogmatic sentiments, but rather, inferential analysis of the underlying purported factors at play surrounding the disappearance and assassination of Dr. Robert Ouko.
=>Troons’ version: Ouko is fooled to leave the security of his house and desperately tried to escape as the truth dawned on him, broken bone at calf area and chest gunshot wound by an assailant perhaps panic; original plan was to Nakuru State House; chest shooting effects change in tactic n shot close to his Koru Home. Here Ouko gets killed and maybe 10 hours someone arrives to set the body on fire?
=?Killed in State House: All things equal, this appears the most plausible. The AP Agallo goes far away to “not hear anything”; Rodi lets the assailants in, a key prerequisite, coz someone would have to let the assailants in through the gates. Apparently Ouko shots 4 times or so, before getting cornered and subdued. Pyjama on bed suggests he was probably tricked, then quickly changed, but upon getting out he realized it was a trap, then either runs back in or around in the compound, Ouko fires 4 shots that miss, then gets subdued, gagged, handcuffed, legs tied up, then gets thrown inside PC Julia Kobia’s vehicle. Why would Biwott and Oyugi show up 3 AM possibly be normal? Original motives of Washington and molasses appear to be mostly shattered.
Dr.Ouko’s murder file is still open at the AG chambers…you can add this hekaya there…
This shit again? Leave it to karma, it has no menu, it serves you what you deserve!
wale waliua yesu hawajshikwa hadi waleo,hii ya ouko ndio unazungusha watu nayo?
Ouko just like others had to die to get to where we are today, don’t forget Miguna wants to die too for posterity.
Your Icon betrays your identity. Wewe ni Mkenya?
I have no interest in the karma, morality, or ethics on this matter, just which sequence makes the most sense. My key puzzles here would be;
=>If Ouko died in Nakuru State House, would somebody llike Biwott let any of them live to tell the tale, regardless of their loyalties at the moment, because I seriously doubt Biwott was dumb enough not to realize the “loyalty” to him wars borne out of pure fear of hm, and this despite the fact many less relevant persons choked on toothpicks in their sleep and died mysteriously?
=>The second one I already asked of why in the world Oyugi and Biwott would personally visit Ouko’s house to be seen by all, given the fact virtually the whole public that watched KBC knew their faces, granted, clearly this can not have been a the pretended ruse to trick Ouko to leave the safety of his house, because I find it hard to imagine in what possible world it would not raise suspicions, to have Biwott and Oyugi showing up at Ouko’s Koru home 3 AM in the middle of the night, if at the end of the day, he was to be taken to Nakuru State House anyway to be taught a lesson? Biwott was known for his paranoia about fears against his life, and I find it hard to believe he would be hiding behind a pillar next to Ouko’s house knowing Ouko owned a handgun and the mission underway was deadly and potentially very dangerous! I would think Rodi would be sufficient to lure Ouko out of his main house without it looking significantly suspicious by feigning any number of issues in the boma
=>I wonder if there were any reports about a helicopter sighting in Koru area. Heliopters are pretty noisy and likely would stand out like a sore thumb in the Koru landscape?.
=>They use the PC Julius Kobia’s White Mercedes, which doubtless, was perhaps recognizable by a good number of brethren in Nyanza, for there could not possibly have been many Mercedes Benz vehicles in the province at that time?? Looks like like another give away.
=>Did the people who gave testimony in the mid 2000s indicate what conversation took place between Ouko and Biwott, besides an obvious spirited pleas for his life in that very hopeless situation that most anyone in Ouko’s situation would cry for? I suspect the precise reason Ouko was going to die was brought up, or otherwise why would they take him to Nakuru State House if that’s what in fact happened?
=>The tale about one of Ouko’s tormentors breaking the foot of a chair and using it to crush Ouko’s leg at the ankle area is one I find extremely unlikely. Ever heard of someone kupigwa rungu on the ankle, when he has already been hand cuffed and with feet tied together? Upper Torso, and the calf or knee area, and especially the knee caps would be targeted by a sadist from the gut wrenching pain it causes, one actually feels pain merely thinking about it!
Ni ID card ama passport umeona kama ni ya River Road?
There have been many rogue corporate mafia wazunguz posing as Kenyans, or perhaps a few posing as many pseudo-Kenyan Identities to the same effect…herein, waging war against myself for about an year, in a deliberate act of psychological warfare for very misanthropic reasons!
Wewe najua shida yako, Dr. Frank Njenga atakusaidia.