Osha mesho na Kai Greene - No homo




amejipaka elianto anashine kama chapo za kibandaski

this is the goat… hao wengine na pot belly and all kind of steroids apana tambua




I somehow feel like him and the legendary Phil Heath are too short…but thats just my useless opinion… he should have atleast won 1 mr Olympia
Recent Shawn Rhoden’s death was a real shocker…but not surprising

Bodybuilding is the gayest sh*t on this earth. Only gey men find those oversize, drug-induced muscles attractive. Sisi kama Cute Boys Association hapana tambua hiyo nanzenz

Mazee. It reminded me of Rich Piana. Kept saying he will stop juicing akifika 50 years… Akapata heart attack at 46.

Kai Greene was amazing shida ilikuwa height. At 5’8 ni ngumu kuficha bubble gut. Guys like Big Rammy and Shawn Rhoden pia bubble gut ilikuwa but they could control it better.

Another very ga.y thread. What the heck is happening today???





body builders are usually short. except for a few many are just short people. for some reason, its a sport for short people.

kumbe senyetalk.com iko na wale weirdos wanaendanga gym kudiscuss kifua ya rodney coleman?

Nyinyi kwanza ndio the true ghey lords

Not exactly sir, you are referring to powerlifting, for which would be true.

no not power lifters. body builders. successful power lifters are huge people some almost 7 feet.

You’re a retard. Powerlifting is not the same as strongman competitions.

I am not attacking you personally. I’m just stating facts about body builders.